bud rot !!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
alright soo last time i went out i thought i seen it so i went back today to check them after a heavy rain and and a cloudy day today ive been worried sick all day so i went out and i have some starting in a couple small sections on my plant that is going in to its 7 th week of flowering and i found one little spot on my plant that is going in to its 5th week ... what should i do ??? shold i harvest a little early with the 7th week one ? and is there anything i can do the prevent it taking ove the rest?? any help would be great !!!!


Active Member
The spot of rot you see, generally brown, open up the bud at that point and look for little black specks and the nasty green caterpillars that produce 'em. In my experience, "bud rot" is generally caused by moisture from the feces and general activity of the worm. Are you spraying them with anything for worms?

You could harvest, you could also try cutting out the infected plant matter. This has worked for me before...


Active Member
The spot of rot you see, generally brown, open up the bud at that point and look for little black specks and the nasty green caterpillars that produce 'em. In my experience, "bud rot" is generally caused by moisture from the feces and general activity of the worm. Are you spraying them with anything for worms?

You could harvest, you could also try cutting out the infected plant matter. This has worked for me before...
well i havent seen any catpillers around or did i see any in them so im not spraying for them i do have a minor spider mite problem ... but i picked out the area but then the bud started falling apart and i didnt like it .. i dont have any pics of the bud rot my camera prolly couldent focous in on it anyways but its only a small plant 3 ft prolly 20 budd sites on it .... does any body think i should just harvest this plant ?? how fast does this spread...

Puna Bud

Well-Known Member
The spot of rot you see, generally brown, open up the bud at that point and look for little black specks and the nasty green caterpillars that produce 'em. In my experience, "bud rot" is generally caused by moisture from the feces and general activity of the worm. Are you spraying them with anything for worms?

You could harvest, you could also try cutting out the infected plant matter. This has worked for me before...
brah, "bud Rot" for the main part is not caused by catapillars. The catapillar damage you are talking about is caused by the little bastards grinding on plants!. Sure their turds do damage, but nothing like what their mouths can do. His concern is all the moisture from the rains on his buds. He said nothing about catapillars!!??!? Every long season I throw roughly a quater to a half pound of "buds" away due to "bud rott". Why just yesterday I threw away about an ounce and a half. I've tried everything to stop the "bud rot".
Cutting away the infected area is not a good idea. Removing the entire section, or plant would be highly recommended. "Bud rot", is basically made up from spores. Once this gets on your hands,knife, tools, etc., etc.. watch out!
After treating each infected plant, you need to wash your hands & tools otherwise you'll have opened up a can of worms that will ruin your season.