

Well-Known Member
I'm an atheist but I want to learn more about buddhism. I don't have any buddhist friends or know anyone who's buddhist for that matter so I have no idea where to start. Anyone know what books I should buy, where I can get them, or anything I should know about buddhism?


Well-Known Member
Well, Buddhist are Atheist....Technically Speaking although it's Gray Area, Sort of like Pantheists.....Sorry, I'm not a Buddhist an offer No expert opinion, Although I do Meditate Like ONe. Just hit the Book Store and browse the Philosophy & even the Martial Arts Section, they all pretty much overlap in Same Principles...

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
I'm an atheist but I want to learn more about buddhism. I don't have any buddhist friends or know anyone who's buddhist for that matter so I have no idea where to start. Anyone know what books I should buy, where I can get them, or anything I should know about buddhism?
"Buddha" means "the enlightened one."

Buddha never claimed to be a god or know god, but he does claim enlightenment after fasting and meditating for many days. He was probably hallucinating

One of the main tenants of buddhism is that life sucks; know this and expect it, and you'll find peace.

Ring bells or a gong to clear your mind while meditating.

Have fun with it


Well-Known Member
My suggestion for you, go check out a book called Be Here Now. It's got a trippy blue cover. Not a theological book in any sense, but functions more as a guide to a doorway that you seem to have already open (by being curious in Eastern religions). The book really put a focus on where I need to begin. Anyway, check it out.


Hey man. Check out www.buddhanet.net. They have a nice ebook library. The first book I read on Buddhism was the Handbook for Mankind, by Buddhadasa Bhikkhu. At that time I was an egocentric bastard, but Bhikku's teachings really shook me up. I suggest you read that first, then read the Dhammapada from the Tibetan Translation Series. Its the best translation by far.

The four noble truths:

1.Life is suffering.

2.Suffering is caused by craving and aversion.

3.Suffering can be overcome and happiness can be attained.

4.The way to overcome suffering is the noble eightfold path

Buddhist philosophy is the science of attaining happiness.


Well-Known Member
The Dhammapada is a great start. Get a book on Tibetan or Zen meditation and practice the eightfold path.


Well-Known Member
If you have to read a book to become 'enlightened' arnt you are missing the point?

I mean isnt it something people should discover on their own?


"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense. "
- Gautama Buddha

Reading a book on buddhism wont make you enlightened, but it can teach you some valuable things. Sometimes we might need a little help to see the truth.


Well-Known Member
"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense. "
- Gautama Buddha

Reading a book on buddhism wont make you enlightened, but it can teach you some valuable things. Sometimes we might need a little help to see the truth.
Dropping a couple tabs of acid would send you on the way to.


Active Member
I'm a buddhist, lots of my medical mj toker friends are too. And many other friends have similar life philosophies but don't label it.

There are so many different types of buddhism, over 1000 different sects, I believe. I'm a Nichiren Buddhist, we chant Nam Myoho Renge Kyo. Basic translation of meaning: Devotion to the mystic law of simultaneous cause and effect through sound.

Basic philosophy is that everything in the universe exists in each and everyone of us and in everything around us. The good and bad things we do are reflected in our karma, this is the cause and effect part.

When you think about our understanding of the physics of the universe; every action has an equal and opposite reaction, and such; it does kinda makes sense that something like this might be more plausable than monotheistic beliefs. I was raised a christian, so not bashing other religeous beliefs, just my thoughts on the subject.



Hey, I'm Buddhist! Just go here...http://www.thebigview.com/buddhism/eightfoldpath.html

The secret to happiness is LOW expectations. That's the gist of it. Don't expect much and don't get bummed out by anything because it's all going to come full circle in the end.

Don't get attached to anything. Try not to take a side and if you do, thoroughly go through the information. Don't harm anything/anyone.

It's pretty hard being a Buddhist in modern society (like America) because of all the materialism and shallowness promoted, but you just have to remember that it's all just a ride.



Well-Known Member
i just started reading a book written by the dalai lama called " the universe in a single atom, the convergence of science and spirituallity" only 200 or so pages, i read 70 today. interesting read. it has definetely got me interested in buddhism. seems logical and practical but i really know nothing about the religion. let me know how your book goes. i am going to get another book on the subject soon.


Active Member
Noble Eightfold Path by Bhikkhu Bodhi
Mindfulness in Plain English by Henepola Guranatana
search around the net for those, they are free for download. Buddhanet is a good place to start


Well-Known Member
Hello :) im am a Bodhisattva ordain & everything Lets see a good starting place ................
Buy no books most are free online
learn to story of the Buddha picks up around part 3 ;) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qicaDyNNZQQ
Zen Buddhism is more about fooling the mind then truth not my favor but look it over if you like to each his own
& my story
I overdosed saw a light didnt believe in a afterlife or god days laters talked to my g/f about it They said Mr baby baby (my cat was going to die soon too) We laughed till 2 weeks later he passed vet said heart attack common in cats his age That also eat people food
Its been over 10 years now From what "they" told me everyones welcome to light we return to where we start simple as that 3 years ago I took bodhisattva vows
But I was welcome in it then before my bodhisattva vows "they" told me of no book to read or what i should learn or not learn
Its your birth right to return home to the light where you started at
E=mc² You are a creature of energy
& The law of conservation of energy is an empirical law of physics. It states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed: it can only be transformed from one state to another.

Watch the pbs show about him & any more questions you have ill be happy to answer as best i can
thank you for your time & question


Well-Known Member
May I also add great to see so many wise answers to this question The best being The secret to happiness is LOW expectations. That's the gist of it. I would also like to add Like anything in life you get out of it what you put into it

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
enlightenment is a change of perception, from your truth... to the real truth. as you see something for what it really is, instead of what you personally perceive it to be. ellightenment can happen frequently, and does not always bring great happiness.. but sometimes great sadness. for you will see things in a new light, not only will you see great love, but also you will see suffering you've never seen before. true happiness comes with balance and truth itself.

but like ive read before, don't believe this, just think about it and make your own decision based on reason and not belief. even my personal perception on this issue is subject to change just like everything around me.

great faith, great doubt, and great determination
hey "the tibetan book of living and dying " was a good read , chapter 1 is called Bringing the mind home if i remember correctly , i would recomend this for everyone no matter what your religion is , Budhism has lots of wisdom worth absorbing to us westreners , so we dont have to feel lost in a babylon