Budding Hasn't Started After Day 29 of Flowering?


After day 29 of 12/12 my R.P. OG Kush doesn't any buds beginning in the leaf clusters. Just white hairs at the nodes. I know that sativas take longer to mature. Here's some pics to check out and see what the experts think.

DSCF0001.jpg DSCF00011.jpgDSCF00012.jpg

I've also included a pic of Dinafems Amnesia. I know it's autoflower but was a freebie from The Attitude.



Active Member
Sativa's take a lot of patience. It usually takes around 10-12 weeks for them to flower. They won't really start to pack on mass until around the last month or so. What type of lighting do you have? If your using CFLs you can probably tack another week or 2 on top of that.


what height did u flip at? and is there light leaks? if u flipped before maturity this could make flower process this slow, be sure not to count these 29 days as flower time. goodluck
Sativa's take a lot of patience. It usually takes around 10-12 weeks for them to flower. They won't really start to pack on mass until around the last month or so. What type of lighting do you have? If your using CFLs you can probably tack another week or 2 on top of that.
bigbudahluva: I stayed at the vegetative stage for 16 days and I use a F32-T8/G Green Plant Color Fluorescent Light so I don't disturb them. I'm just really counting the switch from 18/6 to 12/12 and each individual days for the time frame. Thanks goodluck to you too on your project

kwilli: I'm using SunSystems Master Blasters Bulbs. Yeah, I'm thinking hopefully after 35 days in 12/12 pistils will show on the top clusters. I'll keep my finger crossed


Active Member
That's a really short veg time if growing from seed. That's probably why it's taking so long for your buds to start developing. Your plant still had to mature sexually even after you flipped to 12/12. I usually veg for a at least a month or until the plant reaches around 12 inches. I'll bet she's already doubled in height. My last sativa grow I force flowered at 12 inches and at harvest time she was just under 5'.
Just my 2 cents. When I used to grow from seed I would give them 6 weeks from the time I saw the first leaf popping out of the seeds till flip.


That's a really short veg time if growing from seed. That's probably why it's taking so long for your buds to start developing. Your plant still had to mature sexually even after you flipped to 12/12. I usually veg for a at least a month or until the plant reaches around 12 inches. I'll bet she's already doubled in height. My last sativa grow I force flowered at 12 inches and at harvest time she was just under 5'.
Just my 2 cents. When I used to grow from seed I would give them 6 weeks from the time I saw the first leaf popping out of the seeds till flip.
denvermatt: Due to the size area I'm growing in, I forced the plants into flowering.

kwilli: After 14 days in the vegetative stage there was secondary growth and showed signs of maturity. I've got some already at 58".


Well-Known Member
Light leak maybe? I veg for 4 weeks, flip to 12-12, & then they stretch for close to 2 weeks. Then the magic happens.lol Never flowered so soon as to 16 days so that's more then likely the reason. Thier just catching up to the flip. Good luck man, lookin good too.

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Well-Known Member
I would try 11 or 10 on and a longer dark period and see if that helps trigger flowering. From the pics you have shown they are not in flower yet even though they are in 12/12. I have grown RP og and og 18 and they have finished at about 9 to 10 weeks.Good luck
Im assuming light leakage, make sure when the lights are off, that THEY are OFF!!! and no light is penetrating through your grow area!! 12 hours of pitch black darkness increases the levels of hormones that are normally depleted in the dark. this will tell the plant to begin flowering. Or next time.. do 24 to 36 hrs of darkness before the flip to 12/12 this will increase the hormones and bud sitings will get created quicker! good luck!
or if it is not light leakage.. I would foliar feed the kids with something like Snow Storm Ultra or something down that line.. That would help build up your plant hormones.. but if you foliar feed make sure the lights are off when you spray and have it off for at least an hr before lights are back on.. and just do it once a week maybe twice, and make sure your mix ratio is very light.. Example Snow storm ultra I would do 2ml per gallon and mist the kids.. THIS STUFF is STRONG!!! so becareful.


Here's an update 12 days after posting for all the members that posted in my thread and has been watching for any updates. I've included some pics, I would like to see more bulk put on by the plants. I'd like to ask any mods or experts on this forum and see if this is normal growth for this strain.



Well-Known Member
One of my plants didn't start to flower a lot until almost 5 weeks in,I'm on week 9 now and she caught up with another plant the same age and she has fatter buds.
I grow 3 strains and 2 sativa dominant and a pure indica and the indica was started a month after the sativa and has fatter buds and might finish first.


What about using a window a/c unit to cool the area during days and nights. The temperatures can go at night to 62F and as high during days around high 80s with co2 use. With nighttime temperatures at low 60s could this slow bud production?


I checked one of my timers and it was 15 mins off the 12/12 flowering times. Could this cause any problems with bud production?


Was just checking the nighttime temperature and noticed the room temperature was dropping with window a/c to mid 50's and dehumidifers was raising the temperature to low 70s and the window a/c set at 70 would lower the temperature again. With the cold a/c air blowing directly on the plants with lights off to the mid 50s cause the slow bud production?


2rg34 what is your nutrient schedule? what are you using?
I'm currently using General Hydroponics Nutrients Flowering/Budding Cycle with a 1-0-1 ratio.

Here's some pics for the experts to check out on day 68 of the 12/12 flowering cycle.


I've currently changed from 12/12 of the flowering cycle to 10/14 due to the fact that this is a extreme sativa (haze) type plant. The pictures I've uploaded show these plants have either continued to vegetate, or are slowly flowering in the 12/12. For these plants to develop colas at a faster pace, I'm using a hormone trick with the light schedule and adjusting the timers to 10/14 to get the plants hormones to induce budding.

The breeder Steve Tuck in the youtube video "The True Origins of OG Kush" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uvKl1XMpPE4.
Explains how the grower has to use hormone tricks to get this strain to produce.