budding revegged clones from sexed mother


Well-Known Member
ok so i have 28 clones that i took from a girl that was 15 days into 12/12, when i took the cuts they only had a few hairs

so i put them into 8oz cups with coco under a small fluro shop light (2 bulb) under 24 hours of light

3 weeks have gone by and they rooted like crazy, but also they all formed small nuggets, like even though the cuts were under 24 since i took them, they kept growing flower

so how many more weeks untill the plants are "vegging" and ready to be flowed for a full yield

as is now thay all rooted and starting to grow around the bootom of cups, but have small nugs on them. how long till it grows more growth shoots and not buds? its been under 24 hours light for 3 weeks since cut, and liek i said the mother was 15 days into 12/12

i also have a mother that is a female but has been in 24 all her life (3 months old and showing preflowers)

would i be better off just taken cuttings from her and rooting them to bud. and tossing the other clones outside. would new clones root faster than it will take for these "flowered" clones to be rdy for there own buding