bug problem help please


Active Member
:wall:ive been battling aphids on my girl for about 2 weeks using water and vinager but no hope lost prob.5-10 fan leaves please help +rep for any advice to kill those bastards growing outside also


Well-Known Member
Aphids are the easiest insect to kill
Safer Soap from Home Depot, Lowes or any nursery
Alcohol pads. Just wipe the little bastards off. No damage to plant
You can mix a little dish soap with water and spray. All insects breath through their skin. Clog up their respiratory system=no aphids.
try that and lemme know


Well-Known Member
I've got some lady bugs in my yard....I'll mail you some...no promises that little buggers won't be dead on arrival tho ;)


Active Member
ok i checked under the leaves today when i got home and it looks like most of them just dissapeared going to check and update tomorrow