BUg problem

It appears to be little nats, and white bugs all over my soil and flying around my plant, how could i get rid of them, will they hurt my plant?

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
sounds like fungus gnats and they are signs of over watering , or just plain old poor soil , i've used seven dust on top of the soil it helps


Well-Known Member
They are fungus gnats. They will eat your roots. You are over watering a tad. Let the soil dry out good. Put some fly strips up. Put a layer of fresh soil on top.


Well-Known Member
They can be Fungus Gnats or White Flies.

Either way they lay eggs in the soil and when the eggs hatch & mature they start to fly around.

Fly strips are a good idea to catch the flyers. Also you can put a layer of sand on top of the soil 1 to 2 inches thick. This will trap the larvae as they mature so they can't fly away, they'll just starve. And the sand stops them from getting to the soil to lay more eggs.

Also, the sand will stop gouging when you water.

Good luck with the flies/gnats.