Bug Problem!

ballin jack

Well-Known Member
So i was checking my triches today and I saw a really tiny bug that looked like a walking trichome moving around under my microscope! It was the same color as a white trichome would be, and t was just hanging out on the bud. This thing was extremely small, I could barely see it with my naked eye, and I looked it up and am thinkin maybe it's a scale insect?? I've never heard of these before, but I'm sure it wasn't an aphid or mealy bug, or at least it didn't look like the pictures of those. And over the past few weeks, the buds on this plant have been browning from the tips inward without any real explanation. It's not too close to the lamp cus its below all the other plants, and it's not nute burn cus I've been flushing for a couple weeks. My camera is broken, so if u can guys can take any guesses without seeing pictures it would be really helpful. O, and the leaves look kinda shiny in certain places, like a waxy substance was left over. I treated the fan leaves about a month ago with neem oil to get rid of fungus gnats, and I thought maybe the shininess was from that, but now I'm not so sure. I'm in my 8th week of flowering, I think about another week or 2 and I'll be ready. What do u guys think I should do??

ballin jack

Well-Known Member
Yea ur rite, i looked up a picture and they're thrips. Is there a good way to get rid of them? I'm guessing neem oil doesn't work, since i used that about 3 weeks ago. Or would I be fine just leaving them until I harvest in a week or 2?


Well-Known Member
Thrips are a bitch, you need predatory insects, I have used like 10 different pest control methods. I am going with ladybugs to finish em off.

ballin jack

Well-Known Member
that sounds awesome, I've always kinda hoped I could bring in ladybugs to destroy some little insects. Did the thrips get out of control real fast, or do they take a while spread, cus I'd rather just wait to harvest and not do anything if u know what I mean :) If that's not possible though, I'll bring in the cavalry.


Well-Known Member
you said 2 weeks right, but if you plan on growing in the same space or dirt, they will be back they always will be. I have broken down my op for 2 or 3 weeks and bleached everything, they always come back. So if you plan on doing more plants they will be plaguing those as well, Ladybugs have a life cycle look it up or you might get scared one day when you walk in and see crocodile looking bugs in your room.

ballin jack

Well-Known Member
lol yea that would definitley scare the shit out of me. I don't plan on growing in this space again cus I'm moving soon, so I guess I'll just wait and hope it doesn't get too bad before I harvest. Thanks for the help.


Well-Known Member
there are predators and they will send them to your house adress if you order over the internet...........i have a comment for all the 420's here............i used safer brand 3 in one pesticide (thrips and mites included)..........this is used for vegetables ..and the label in the back says it's safe to use till the day of harvest ... i guess if you wash your vegetables in the sink and wash off the outside pesticide.... i dunno... just wonder


Well-Known Member
I think you are way to late for predatory mites, they take a while to establish themselves but I wouldn't want to use poison on the almost finnished bud either. Check up on something with Spinosad in it.

Good luck, I'm batteling 'root aphids' right now :(


Well-Known Member
hey htown, that doesn't look like a trip to me. where did you get that pic from? thrips are tiny fuggers.
You guys are confusing adult and larvae stage. The adult thribs hang out close to the roots and in the root-zone. The larvae stage crawls around on the leafs and are very tiny. Pics would be great