Bug Spray Recommendations; PLEASE HELP


Active Member
Hi, I have what I think are ants but they are so small I am not sure. It is my fault, I had an 'early girl' tomato plant in a 5 gallon bucket that I just couldn't part with (like a jackass) and I put it in the corner of my tent with my "good" plants now I have these very small bugs crawling. There are not a lot of them but I think I had better take care of the problem now as opposed to later so I need some good advice on what to get that will not hurt my good plants and hopefully will be okay for my tomato's as well but we all know which has the priority, LOL. I will get up bright and early in the morning and purchase what-ever you tell me is the best at what I need because I really have no idea, spray, strips, what???? I would like something that would take care of the highest number of pests because I am not exactly sure what these are. I do know that they do not fly and thay they are about the size of ants but are too small to see for sure. I am in the north western end of Florida if that helps. Please help!