Bulbs and Distilling water (What kind of bulb and How long to distill?)


Anyone out there able to assist me with choosing the best Hortilux bulb for the Bloom stages of growth, I know I want the Hortilux 600w Blue for veg but now I'm seeking a blooming stage bulb, any assistance is highly appreciated.. (600w)
And I'm still unsure how long to anticipate leaving out straight 1 gallon jugs to dissipate the chlorine in it.
Would 36 hours be sufficient enough?
And is it even a guarantee it's clean to give to the plants, I watered my peace lillies with one I left out for 36 hours and it started blackening at the tips, is it that the water is this bad around here or am I doing something wrong with the water? I am new at this and would love ANY assistance with helping me.

Thanks again in advance.

Best regards,
-Salt Farms


bud bootlegger
i don't dechloronate my water, i just use it straight out of the tap, and have no issues.. and, my tap water is way hard, 8.6 or so ph from the tap..
idk, i'm sure people will say i'm an idiot, but the way i look at it, if i drink it, and it doesn't harm me, my plants grown in soil will also be fine using it.. i don't grow hydro, so i have no opinion on whether it's good or bad for hydro grown plants, i just speak from personal experience..

as for the bulb, you can just run that eye hortilux bulb straight from start to finish no problem.. a lot of people use a mh for veg and an hps for flower since mh's tend to have more blue spectrum over hps, but with the eye blue, you have that covered imo..
fwiw, the only bulb i have ever blown in my digital ballast was an eye blue.. only had the thing for a moth, max, and one day it just went out.. :(


New Member
Normally 24 hours should be good to de-chlorinate your water. you can get a de-chlorinating filter that hooks to a hose for under $40 or chemicals to help dissipate it faster.

but for your peace Lilly if they are turning brown or black. it's either over fertilizing or to much light in my experiences. they normally aren't picky with water.


i don't dechloronate my water, i just use it straight out of the tap, and have no issues.. and, my tap water is way hard, 8.6 or so ph from the tap..
idk, i'm sure people will say i'm an idiot, but the way i look at it, if i drink it, and it doesn't harm me, my plants grown in soil will also be fine using it.. i don't grow hydro, so i have no opinion on whether it's good or bad for hydro grown plants, i just speak from personal experience..

as for the bulb, you can just run that eye hortilux bulb straight from start to finish no problem.. a lot of people use a mh for veg and an hps for flower since mh's tend to have more blue spectrum over hps, but with the eye blue, you have that covered imo..
fwiw, the only bulb i have ever blown in my digital ballast was an eye blue.. only had the thing for a moth, max, and one day it just went out.. :(
Yeah I heard that saying "As long as it's good enough for your body it should be good enough for the soil to feed the plants."
I am soil aswell, but the water when I gave it to my plants they were really sad, like getting blotchy, yellowing, then browning til they'd die, same conditions and everything just different water, so it may have been the influx in types of water purified vs unpurified water which could have been my issue, switching it up all of a sudden could have been the cause. But I'll try this gallon I have and see what it shows me, any bad signs I'll assume it's just this water as these plants now are healthy and should remain healthy. I will do that and update with pictures soon.
And wow thats awesome, makes me happy to find out I can run the whole thing with that light, great investment or no?
Was it like top tier? Showing that your plants loved it or would I be better going with a different bulb, I just want the best for my plants. :]
Thank you for the response.

Best Regards,
-Salt Farms


Normally 24 hours should be good to de-chlorinate your water. you can get a de-chlorinating filter that hooks to a hose for under $40 or chemicals to help dissipate it faster.

but for your peace Lilly if they are turning brown or black. it's either over fertilizing or to much light in my experiences. they normally aren't picky with water.
Okay, cool thanks for the info.
I'll move the Peace Lily into a more shaded area and hopefully it starts coming to fruition again.
Fingers crossed, thank you for the response.

Best Regards,
-Salt Farms