Bullrider CLONE


Well-Known Member
I have a bullrider clone and have had it for 4 days now
i have kept it under 2 26 watt flourescent lights to help it root a lil faster for all 4 days
im about to move it outdoors for the remainder of its life
is it looking good for it being a 4 day clone?
ill have a pic from day one and a pic from day 2 and a pic from day 3 and day 4
lettme know what you guys think.:weed::joint::hump::hug:
on the last pic i cut off the 2 leaves that were trimmed when i got the clone they started to die so i just cut them off with a clean razor blade and a clean cut.



Well-Known Member
Afghan bullrider is on day 15 since getting the clone
not flowering yet havent spotted and pistils
is it looking any good for a day 15 clone? o_O

oh btw i moved it to a outdoor grow was an indoor but went outdoors
so it gets as much light as the sun produces a day.



Well-Known Member
Day 43 total
Day 30 Flowering
Afghani Bullrider
I heard that this strand can finish in 50 days?
anyone know anything about that?
cause right now its on day 55 and it looks almost done most the hairs are orange but the trichomes are amber yet i think i dont have a magnifying glass so i cant sayy.
but it loks so Juicyyyyy ahjhahahahaha



Well-Known Member
This some pics from today day 53 and some pics from yesterdayyy
tell me how much longer you guys think please?
its afghani Bullriderr
please i really need help idk when to harvestttt!!!!!!
i dont wanna over do it and fuck up and i dont wanna cut it 2 early and have nasty weed lettme know your opinions please?:leaf:

