Bump If You're Baked!


Well-Known Member
I'm house/babysitting my brothers kids for a few weeks. Omfg the monsters are wild feral rugrats that absolutely refuse to listen, they don't speak 'directionese'' or 'listenese', they only speak 'what ever they want with ease -ese' damn spoiled little adorable redeaming quality milk suckin mother.....ahhhh

Least I get to smoke all the mans Juicy Fruit (weed). When I can successfully lock myself into the garage that is.

I get called a 'stupid meany' for cleaning up after them, feeding them, saving them from extreme pain and reading them a good night story. What an arrangement...

Anyone remember those old Problem Child movies? It ain't got nothing on these kids man shit<----- oh sorry wait I can't say cuss words oh shit FUCK ASS BITCH!!!

At least I'm high off tootie fruity or what ever.