Burden Of Proof


Well-Known Member

Burden of proof falls onto the one making the claim.

There is no such thing as a "burden of disproof".

Why can't theists comprehend this fact? aaannd GO!


Well-Known Member

Burden of proof falls onto the one making the claim.

There is no such thing as a "burden of disproof".

Why can't theists comprehend this fact? aaannd GO!

I believe Ricki White gave You a very discriptive answer to Proof (scientifically and Philosophically) NO Relgious concept Needed..., Use the Wisdom you already understand to Understand that it is Only Proof you need to Disprove what is Proof to You.. aaaannnnnd I STOP!!! :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Deduction within Reason.
I have a ball - I am asked to prove the existence of this ball, following in suit therein I proceed to show the ball as factual evidence towards my claim.
The burden of proof dictates that the one stating the fact therefore must lay claim to the responsibility in proving it sufficiently and satisfactorily enough not for the other but for the essence of logic itself.

Concluding without Sanity.
I have a ball - I am asked to then prove the said existence of said ball, following suit I retort with the claim that it is not my responsibility but rather that of the audience of said discussion to lay bare the duty and therein burden of disbelief, in that it is there job to prove that the ball doesn't exist.

Do you Theists not appreciate the insanity within this, let us call it a 'subtle' difference in approach? Witness the shifts in logic and the severe and dire intellectual consequences and repercussions you barrel down upon those who would refute your claims:

Do your children argue, no, demand that you prove the monsters under there beds don't exist? Rather than you, the parent requesting them to prove they do? You even Harald to them, triumphantly as you open the closet, show them nothing there and lift up the mattress, to reveal all the dust bunnies of the months past.
This is no different then the means which we ourselves defend, which we ourselves argue to your claims. We merely want equal proof, show us evidence of your claims.
Let me tell you something, you're no different then the children in this story, and we as the 'intellectual parents' in this scenario are merely asking you for proof of these 'boogie men.'

How do you think you are any different then a child is acting? I'll give you a hint, there is very little.


Well-Known Member
Good luck getting the point across.
It's hard to explain 'burden of proof' to someone when their concept of proof is "Well, we don't know why X happened, so that proves God!"
It's highly unlikely that someone using that mindset could even consider the idea that "I have a God!" and "I have a ball!" both stand on equal footing when questioned, until evidence is provided to substantiate.

Creationists love fossils. When there is a gap in the fossil record they proclaim this as proof of God. They love intermediate fossils even more. Drop one in a gap, and suddenly you have a gap on each side. More gaps = more proof of God! Win!


New Member
Braz is half right.... unintentionally. Religion cannot accept the parameters of Burden of Proof.
How can a myth survive serious examination? It cannot.


Well-Known Member
Proof is everywhere! You first need to understand what God is to find proof. That is something that needs to come from you.


Well-Known Member
Proof is everywhere! You first need to understand what God is to find proof. That is something that needs to come from you.
The ball is here, in my pocket. If you truly believe it is, I cannot show you for you are undeserving and I am not required to show you this ball: Simply believe in me and this ball and the ball shall therein exist. You should in contrast rather then question prove to me that the ball Isn't in my pocket at all. Prove if you dare question, that I never held it in the first place.

I've had enough of you, you're either truly pathetic or simply trolling me, nobody is this distressingly shabby.
You're a child, I said argue and show 'proof' 'evidence' within the parameters that I have set or don't bother at all.

Stop bothering me with your dribble you minds child.
Go play with your fleeting grasps and fluttering concepts some place else, as 'pretty' as you try to make your words the underlaying naivety rots the message to the core. Don't make me pity you any more than the next, because only then will I truly be sad. It even saddens me now that you cannot fathom the reason for this sadness, a never ending cycle of lamented amnesty for your foolish delusions.


Well-Known Member
SusnShine is My Proof, babs Is My Proof, Maui is My Proof, Doc is My Proof, Rose is My proof, CBo is my Proof, BigNut is My proof (that still makes me laugh), We Love is My proof, ad infintium.. You get it, We do not know each other.., nor did the Men back Then..., WE witness and Acknowledge for ourselves.. Then we Ourselves Acknowledge each Other.. One Thought.. reached independently through the Manipulated trials of Life

CJ, you are completely Wrong, unintentionally, because you cling to the Myth!! You are actually waiting for GAAaa*aWWdd to appear..to allow you a belief in a Physical Proof.., I said use your Own Wisdom,, Nothing is REal, Right!! Behold the Kingdom of Heaven is Before You Now..!! Nooo, not outside on the Horizon..:roll:,



Well-Known Member
Nooooooo, You cannot set the Parameters of Rules for the Universe, you have to Follow them...:roll:

I'm not attempting nor implying I was or could.

I can however set the parameters in which I abide by through logic, deduction and reason. There are ways we conclude what is and what isn't within our shared reality, our shared existence. I can tell you now, god's side is looking pretty weak. The ball Brazko....please do not tell me it is there in your grasp and ask me to prove that it isn't when I can plainly see both your hands.... How can you not acknowledge the heavy burden you as theists carry upon your shoulders, you shoulder the great burden of truth... And you're simply casting it onto a side that need not shoulder it in the first place, it is not our job, not our place to prove your 'points' for you. Do not ask us to.


Well-Known Member
Box, I'm holding how many balls in my Hand, Can you See them..NO, that is Your Proof I do NOt have Them..,

Braz.. You have 10balls in Your hand Don't You.., Yep!! How do You Know? That is Our Proof!!


Well-Known Member
Box, I'm holding how many balls in my Hand, Can you See them..NO, that is Your Proof I do NOt have Them..,

Braz.. You have 10balls in Your hand Don't You.., Yep!! How do You Know? That is Our Proof!!
You misunderstand the point of this, You cannot tell me you're holding a ball and not show them to me when I ask for proof. You cannot tell me I am undeserving nor can you say you are not required to present this in a manner or fashion accepting of logic while maintaining the guise of being reasonable.

What I'm saying is, you are walking up to me, hands in the air, and saying you have 10 balls in your hand, and you want me to believe you have them? all 10 you say? Is this the logic behind what you call faith? Believe it's there until it is?

Please, I thought you were more reasonable than that.

If this is what you're presenting me with, I'd rather do without seeing your hands at all please, put them back in your pockets where I can't see them, with this, your hands make me too sad to bare the sight of them..

Please tell me you're trolling, being sarcastic...it'd be a waste if you weren't in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
You misunderstand the point of this, You cannot tell me you're holding a ball and not show them to me when I ask for proof. You cannot tell me I am undeserving nor can you say you are not required to present this in a manner or fashion accepting of logic while maintaining the guise of being reasonable.

What I'm saying is, you are walking up to me, hands in the air, and saying you have 10 balls in your hand, and you want me to believe you have them? all 10 you say? Is this the logic behind what you call faith? Believe it's there until it is?

Please, I thought you were more reasonable than that.

If this is what you're presenting me with, I'd rather do without seeing your hands at all please, put them back in your pockets where I can't see them, with this, your hands make me too sad to bare the sight of them..
You don't get it Bro'.., Many just don't get it.. Your Rules is Limited to your interpretation and the Interpretation of Misguidance.., It is the same interpretation just on Opposing ends..

Maybe I'm making My Balls to Hard for You.. :lol: I'll try to speak a little more simple....

How do YOu know Love is Real? You Experience it Yourself, therefore You are able to Acknowledge without being told by Others, This is Love..I'm not saying God is Love, but he Is... anyhow not to Confuse.. You want Science to give you Proof of That.., It can't until it builds a Device to Catch the Waves of Love that differ From any other Emotion.. however, that is not important because, We can All experience that Love and Acknowledge it Through Others because we have Acknowledge it Ourselves..

Science cannot Prove God.. You would have to Build a Maching to Scan Gods..,

However, we already Have the Machine that was built from the Very Beginning of Time.. Some people do not know How to Work that Machine..

You want a Machine built by a Machine to Prove the Machine itself.. That is What you are Waiting on as For Proof..>?

Just wait for that Machine to Be Built for Your Proof.. Science is Not Proof of Anything.., but What the Machine Has evolved to Build to Acknowledge itself...

However, You already Have the Necessary equipment.., The Manuals have been scribed all across the World..., All Describe how to Use the Equipment you already have that was Already Present...but Still You don't even need the Manuals!! You can just toy with the Equipment yourself and Figure it Out..,

and now I'll put my hands Back, It's not my hands you need to See, but yours..:roll:


Well-Known Member
Please tell me you're trolling, being sarcastic...it'd be a waste if you weren't in my opinion.

No, everybody being sincere in their approach to explain to You all..., and you refute to understand them when they do because you all don't listen and repeat only what you want to know, wish to hear, wish to acknowledge, wish to see.. You can only know the things you Wish to Know,

If You are an Atheist, you don't believe in God, and Know there is No equipment that is in existence by your standards to Prove God..!! Yet, you (but all of You) flock to Every God Thread because you have some new insight That you wish to Test because the Last insight you had already proved God didn't exist, so now you wanna prove with your New insight that He doesn't Exist..., That's Not trolling, That's trying to Understand, Right?

Believers, Religious people you call them are now, Not only starting God Threads to entice Atheists to Refute claims and Bash them.. NOw, we are Trolling you All? :roll: :lol:

CRusadeRS UnitE..PoWwoW, BAm, Bing, Ping, Poooong...



Well-Known Member
Braz can't be wrong... because he takes every position.
Yes, I can be Wrong..., but I take every position of Truth..!!

and you still take Every position of An Lie..!! Except you Bandwagon with Science because "You Don't Know"
and nothing is Wrong with that.. Just wait for The Equipment.., I might decide to stay around and Watch and I might NOt..:roll: Go figure that One Out, Too.. You probably already have the answer tho'... Science already proved there is no Heavenly Kingdom in The Sky, Right? :roll:,,mmmm... I believe you are Right!!
