burned leaves

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
i had burned leaves about a week ago due to lights falling on them but there growing back and i cut off the real crispy parts and it looked like a clone
now that i have more growth
the leaves that i cut are yellowing and being covered up by the new growth
should i pull the leaves off or leave them? and if i do pull them do i cut the leaves off at the main stem?


Well-Known Member
Are we talking huge fan leaves or are we talking just little ones? Are we talking an autoflower strain or regular one?

Pictures speak 1000 words :D

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
its just little leaves ill go take a pic right now and post it but its some bag seed from some reg... just to get my first grow down


Well-Known Member
i would take off the small yellowing leaves at the bottom, but it's not necessary. you could go either way. you plant looks good man, keep up the good work......


Active Member
yeah it's perfectly fine i done that a lot , i pulled them off but it doosn't make a difference but there's probaly one advantage to leaving them on and that's that the plant can suck out the remaining nutrients in the leaf if theres any left and then they will eventually just fall off, pick them up afterwatds though because that's just a breeding site for insects.


Active Member
I left mine and they fell of naturally. Maybe just me, but I don't want to stop any part of the natural cycle. I had a hard enough time topping! ;)