burned plants? need help ASAP

hey so i have my first grow going right now. i have six plants growing for about a week now. growth is actually doing pretty good, however i have a problem i can't figure out. the leaves are having some brown spots on them, like the tips look a little brown and there are some brown/yellowish spots scattered on the big leaves, it doesn't look like they are dying and there is no consistent pattern, the pH seems fine, i'm not burning the plants with the light, i think, cause i'm using flourescents and they produce virtually no heat, and i'm using distilled water so there is no chlorine to burn the leaves, i'm stuck, what the hell is going on? and is it bad? please help me

i attached some photos, the quality sucks i know, but you can kinda see what i'm talking about, in the first one you see a good portion of the right middle leaf looking pretty brown, in the second one you can see the random blotches, and the third is my attempt to better portray picture one



k man here is what i have learned while growing my first crop as well... 1st off never freak out about the small things! if u do then u will ruin ur crop with bad vibes!! the last part was bs but u get it... let it roll man, i just started my first closet grow and have ahd some big issues ie over watering, soil, nitrogen, and streching... im no expert but i do read alot!! fisrt thing is check the hight of ur light it should be around 4-6" away from ur babies!! second is over watering... her is an easy way to water ur babies... stick your finger about 3" in the soil if it is moist then wait to water, if it feels dry the give a little h2o... these plants are very tricky... they like the soil to dry out before gettin more fresh h20... also check your ph in your h2o u want it between 6.5/6.8 a little over or under wont hurt but if its below 6 or above 7 u need to balance ur ph! letting your tap water sit out over night also helps release the ch and helps regulate ph also, but not a lot!! antoher thing to do is get some type of spray for things like aphids and bugs!! keep the humidity between 40 and 60% and temp between 70-80 F....

now mabye u can help me.... I have two sativa plants that are about 3 1/2 weeks old but only about 3 1/4 in tall... fan leaves are nice and green, but one plant seems to not be growin at all... it is the same size for almost a wk... any ideas???


Well-Known Member
Ill tell you exactly what that is. Its the soil. Im guessing it has timed release nutes or just nutes in general in it. When I used scotts potting soil my seedling would turn up with some yellow on the leaves but my fox farm seedlings are 100% green. Your plant should be fine though.
now mabye u can help me.... I have two sativa plants that are about 3 1/2 weeks old but only about 3 1/4 in tall... fan leaves are nice and green, but one plant seems to not be growin at all... it is the same size for almost a wk... any ideas???
yeah not sure, sounds like maybe a nutrient thing since they aren't growing up. ask the guru's though man. they know their stuff.
Ill tell you exactly what that is. Its the soil. Im guessing it has timed release nutes or just nutes in general in it. When I used scotts potting soil my seedling would turn up with some yellow on the leaves but my fox farm seedlings are 100% green. Your plant should be fine though.
yeah i used some scott's soil, i heard it's better than miracle grow pH-wise. should i just not be adding any nutrients at all for a while becuase of this or should i get some new soil?

and yes i'm using tubes, they are the right distance away though so that should be fine.
is it possible that i'm misting the plants too much? and for right now what should i be doing nutrient-wise. since i have the scotts soil crap for now should i just let it be for a bit?


try and find some fox farms soil... that stuff works great i hear!! it has all the nutes your plant needs for veg state and you can also get the bloom booster for flowering!!

i'll try and post pics of my babies so someone can tell me what im doin wrong>>>


k just posted pics on my profile under 1st indoor grow... please take a look any advice is welcome!! somebody please tell me what im doin wrong


Well-Known Member
is it possible that i'm misting the plants too much? and for right now what should i be doing nutrient-wise. since i have the scotts soil crap for now should i just let it be for a bit?
I doubt thats a misting problem man. Thats that damn soil for sure. It may be better for ph but its still bad for marijuana. Maybe better for your typical outside garden. It should grow fine though its just that those tips will always be yellow on that leaf.


Active Member
Message to all, ask your garden store which soil is best for seedlings before you buy, some soils are inriched with nutes and can be to strong for little seedlings. Also, misting your plants is a sure sign of over watering, once you have watered your plants there is no need for misting unless its extrimily hot and humid. little seedlings do not need to be mist, just water them as schedule and they will be fine.
Message to all, ask your garden store which soil is best for seedlings before you buy, some soils are inriched with nutes and can be to strong for little seedlings. Also, misting your plants is a sure sign of over watering, once you have watered your plants there is no need for misting unless its extrimily hot and humid. little seedlings do not need to be mist, just water them as schedule and they will be fine.
okay thanks man, i read somewhere that misting is good but i guess not when they are this young.

also, about the soil, with fox's soil will i be needing to add perlite to it to make it more drainable? and where can you get fox's soil in large bags? we don't have a hydro store in my area so any place else?


just google fox farm soil... it should come up with a page where u can click on ur state and have it shipped to ya... as for the perlite i added some anyways not to much but i did, it wont hurt it is what i was told but i could be wrong!! make sure u read the label... good luck!!


Well-Known Member
okay thanks man, i read somewhere that misting is good but i guess not when they are this young.

also, about the soil, with fox's soil will i be needing to add perlite to it to make it more drainable? and where can you get fox's soil in large bags? we don't have a hydro store in my area so any place else?
You shouldnt need to add anymore perlite with foxfarm it comes packed in it already. Its a very airy type of soil that still retains good moisture believe it or not. You can have it shipped to you but thats going to cost some good money.


Well-Known Member
Message to all, ask your garden store which soil is best for seedlings before you buy, some soils are inriched with nutes and can be to strong for little seedlings. Also, misting your plants is a sure sign of over watering, once you have watered your plants there is no need for misting unless its extrimily hot and humid. little seedlings do not need to be mist, just water them as schedule and they will be fine.
this post is completely invalid

first off people need to check my post at the end of this thread ... that will debunk all "time release" problems

misting will NEVER lead to "overwatering" plants simply cant transpire fast enough to take in too much through foliar misting

"just water them as schedule and they will be fine" ... no .. not how it works

there is no "schedule" give your plants what they tell you they want

everything else is "overwatering"


Active Member
so your saying if you water your plants and later mist them that wont be over watering, also you shcedule when you want to water your plants determing how much water the plant is using.


Well-Known Member
also you shcedule when you want to water your plants determing how much water the plant is using.
you dont "schedule" your plants water usage

if i gave my plants as much water as I wanted to give them everything would be dead

your plants tell you EXACTLY what they need

get off of jorge's nuts with your "schedules"