Burnt by organic outdoor?

Hello dear farmers. This is my first grow. About a week after I started to fertilize with manure worm Californian experience the following problems of some of the leaves on my plant. Variety is the Church of Greenhouse. This is the leaf of greatest damage. Affected mainly older leaves around the middle and lower part of the plant. New leaves and top part of the plant are well. I removed the fertilizer around the plant and then swapped with garden soil. I'm going to pour plenty of water. Plant looked good and there are no maggots in it. Plants are in holes filled with compost, also collected by me. The other plants grow like crazy even this with the problem. Is it possible to be overfertilized with worm casting?

I pulled the worm casting directly from the bed of worms, but fertilizing 3 times a week with one cup around 5 liters solution 1 / 10 with water and separately around two kilograms fertilizer around the plant. Here are the pictures:


Any opinions are appriciated


Well-Known Member
It looks like a big PH fluctuation to me man or over feeding. DONT feed it anymore and Just flush it with your ph'd water. Then start again with your quarter strength feed when it perks up. Remember less is more with nutes.
Thank you guys. It was poisoned. Worm casting is not the reason. Long story - too idiotic by my side. I appologize for loosing your time