Burped too long :(


Active Member
My stuff has been in a tight vac curing for about a week and a half now and last night i burped it. I forgot to put the top back on before i went to bed and this morning all of the sweet great smell is completely gone. It seems dryer but not completely dry.

Did i ruin my bud? will the smell return if i keep curing as before or did i mess up bad


Well-Known Member
You should be fine. Throw the lid back on and continue the cure. What you did was probably a good thing. You got rid of excess moisture, bringing out the true flavors in the bud. The smell should come back. Even if its not in the jar its in the bud.


Green Cross

Well-Known Member
You should be fine. Throw the lid back on and continue the cure. What you did was probably a good thing. You got rid of excess moisture, bringing out the true flavors in the bud. The smell should come back. Even if its not in the jar its in the bud.

If you're still growing throw a couple fresh leaves in the jar to rehydrate it