Bush Isn't Spying on al Qaeda ... He's Spying on You

Allan Watts

Well-Known Member
The last few years read like 1984. As bad as things seem to be- the reality almost certainly has to be worse. Bush is not as much like Hitler as he is like Mussolini. The Gov'mint now exists not to serve the people, but the corporations, the CEO's and those Dubyuh himself calls "The have mores". To become a have more in Dubyuh's world, you must have a minimum of about 50 million $. Welcome to the new Gilded Age. This is Fascism Amerikan style.

Remember how much Dubyuh says he loves the babies- like "snowflake" babies and all that crap? Leaving no Child behind? Bwahahaha!! A little known and never mentioned provision of the LNCB act also contained a mandate for all schools to turn over lists of all 16-18 yr old students so that they could be targeted by military recruiters. They are data mining all the info to find the most vulnerable children. He doesn't want to leave them behind!! He wants to send them to their Deaths in Iraq! Source- Static by Amy Goodman of Democracy Now- 2006.


Well-Known Member
The last few years read like 1984. As bad as things seem to be- the reality almost certainly has to be worse. Bush is not as much like Hitler as he is like Mussolini. The Gov'mint now exists not to serve the people, but the corporations, the CEO's and those Dubyuh himself calls "The have mores". To become a have more in Dubyuh's world, you must have a minimum of about 50 million $. Welcome to the new Gilded Age. This is Fascism Amerikan style.

Remember how much Dubyuh says he loves the babies- like "snowflake" babies and all that crap? Leaving no Child behind? Bwahahaha!! A little known and never mentioned provision of the LNCB act also contained a mandate for all schools to turn over lists of all 16-18 yr old students so that they could be targeted by military recruiters. They are data mining all the info to find the most vulnerable children. He doesn't want to leave them behind!! He wants to send them to their Deaths in Iraq! Source- Static by Amy Goodman of Democracy Now- 2006.

Couldn't have said it better myself.....
My son is still in school and recruiters have been calling to talk to him already.... My son has a 79 IQ, He is retarded and yet they keep calling and sending cards in the mail.
Even though My son is retarded he even knows that Bush is a dolt.... I haven't discussed politics in front of him either, he figured this all out on his own...