Bushcraft Adjacent

I've had the tarp up for a week or so. I have three good posts for the corners on site, but have not put in any camp time this week. Niece and her kids are down and want to stay at the river house, where I've been camping. I may be getting this spruced up faster than planned.

I'm going by the river camp most nights how, on my midnight rambles. Started carrying my speaker again. With a place to sit for a while, it's worth the weight.


My old camp is about 100 yards away, so I've been bringing over some of my camp cookware and other assorted crap.

I have had so little time of late, not much going on at the camps. Did hang some camo tarps for walls at the river camp, but that was a couple months ago. When it cools off, will work on a creek camp. Scouting locations down there this past week. But that land is so thin, there are houses nearby no matter where I go. It might just be a tarp, chair and storage tub.