I was in the Navy for 10 years. I also surf/windsurf and have traveled the world many times. I've been to over 40 different countries. Everywhere I go the people love us. Especially our money. And I don't mean that in a negative way. Honestly, American tourist dollars feed many families.
Every person I've met was nice to me personally. I still have friends from all around the world. I'm going to Chile in a few months for a photo shoot. All the people I'm dealing with love us Americans. Every Winter I go to Mexico. Virtually every Mexican I know there dreams of living in America.
I carry absolutely no hate for anyone or anything. Hate is pure negative energy that will eat you up like cancer. Love is the only true way. Even if every person on Earth hated me I would still love them. Just like I love you my brother.
One of my best m8s is a krazy kiwi. We all grow bud. He grows sheep. (Just kidding

) We always fuck with him but treat him like a brother. And that's even considering the fact that he talks kinda funny.
I wish I could load you an iced bong hit of some of my Blueberry and hang out with you for awhile. You would see that us real Americans are not at all like what you see on TV. Peace Bro