BVV 710 extraction solvent


Active Member
hey yo, wondering any thoughts on bvv extractor 710 solvent in place of pure ethanol for winterizing. Also Wondering if it’s ok for a quick wash and than recovery from a little source turbo? I’m aware it has heptane in it, BVV is saying it’s “industry standard“ now. not sure how much standards our industry has so i figured i’d ask for input.


Active Member
is this the right spot for this. no response makes me so sad, hope what i’m asking is clear?
Im planning on using 710 solvent in place of ethanol to save some cash, any thoughts would be great.


Active Member
“is as easy as pure ethanol to remove completely. It leaves no taste, evaporates completely and gives clean residue testing results.” is what that website says.
i’m assuming 100 degrees at full vac should pull out everything. After i recover the majority of the solvent i’ll put it in my vac chamber and purge what is left for a day or two until no more bubbles.
sound reasonable?