Ca Deficiency

I need some help,I think I have a cal def. I added calcium nitrate to the nute solution in the rez yesterday. Is that going to be sufficient? How long do you think it will take for the plants to recover? I also have dolomite lime should I also foliar feed with this? If so how often? I look forward to any advice that yall can possibly give. Bless


Active Member
Watch you ph. I can't find the link, but one of the other users has a great collectin of charts and it shows at which h neutrients are available. And if I remember right calcium cuts out at like 6.0. Use a good mix of neuts. and keep the ph say 5.7 to 6.0 and you should recover just fine.
thanx for the response. my ph is fine...ive got the drip tester so its not the most accurate but i can see that my ph is between 5.5 and 6. i got cal max 2day im goin to add that to my rez later on 2nite...bless