Calcium deficiency, weak branches?

There's a calcium deficiency in some other plants, maybe 1-2 leaves affected per plant, very recent. Rust spots on upper growth, downward leaf curl(from Mg def I think?) so I increased feeding from ~ 1.8EC to 2.2EC, .1 of that being Calmg. 3rd day of 12/12. My one (the 5 others are fine) plant has some very weak branches, the first 2-3 sets of branches are parallel to the ground, with only the growth tip turned up, could this be part of that CalMg deficiency? I have pictures, but for some reason I can't upload them right now for some reason.
My mistake, the rust spots are on the other AI's, just the one with weak branches, the first 4 nodes. Uploaded pics to Img shack. First two pics show the plant with leaf curl and weak branches, the 3rd one shows the rust spots, and the 4th pic shows a weird leaf tip curl on a different plant, which I'm not to concerned about, just curious what it could be? (not overwatering or PH).


Well-Known Member
Those plants look healthy. If your concerned about weak branches, get silica blast. I just did a comparison test with 2 clones and the silica blast builds 25% bigger stems, very strong at the forks and splits from main branch. I had some plants that branches were horitantal like yours and very weak, they suffered under flowering cause they hung down and split from main stalk. It's what got me looking into silica blast. If you look into it don't start it till week 3 in veg, I found 2 - 2.5ml a gallon to be good. GL


Well-Known Member
Yes. Silica helps.. Your gonna want strong stems for AI. Beer can size colas.;-)
Thanks, any recommendations on which silica product to get, silica blast by bontanicare maybe? Just something cheap

Would it be alright to clip the lowest branches for clones, was planning on clipping branches off the main branches in a couple days, currently day 4 of 12/12. It'd be my first time cloning, so I'd want multiple clones per plant, I'll only end up using the healthiest 4 clones for the next grow.


Well-Known Member
yeah, you sure can clones those. Take them off the bottom area that won't produce much anyway. And it may increase your other bud sites.