Califorina club oil question??


Active Member
does anyone have some prices for oil from CA clubs? I just got my card and want to know the range so I know if I'm getting screwed ! LOL thanks


Active Member
Anyone know the best Ca club to pick up clones and mothers and about what do they run. I'm in 559 where did you get your card. Gonna get my card waitng for the cash though before I try it. Not sure what I am gonna tell em.


Well-Known Member
Anyone know the best Ca club to pick up clones and mothers and about what do they run. I'm in 559 where did you get your card. Gonna get my card waitng for the cash though before I try it. Not sure what I am gonna tell em.
go to colorado collective full range of oil they have nyd clones that have some beastly genes these things grow fast plus super nice people and super cost eficient:bigjoint:


Active Member
Anyone know the best Ca club to pick up clones and mothers and about what do they run. I'm in 559 where did you get your card. Gonna get my card waitng for the cash though before I try it. Not sure what I am gonna tell em.
Dr. Brubaker on first street. he's on the website. 130$ must be legit though and have actual symptoms . you in the no ???