Calling All You Women Grows Out There


Well-Known Member
How can i make my girl more interested in growing , she loves to smoke da rope but never pitches in on the grow.
i want her to appreciate it the way i do
Any pointers


Active Member
You cant really do anything....Its something you either appriciate or not.
Either That Or Have Her Plant Her Own Seeds And Grow Her Own.
Thats What Got Me.
My Babies!!!


Well-Known Member
Let her pick a strain she'd like to grow get her the seeds & leave her in charge of it, she'll soon bond with her 'baby' x


New Member
It all depends if she smokes, and if all you talk about is growing. If she doesn't smoke your pretty much out of luck. But if she does she might just be lazy. Hell Im lazy Ive been trying to go outside and work on my crop but wake and bake with regs is a bitch.


Well-Known Member
Have a growing contest with her - your plants vs. hers. Winner takes all resulting buds!

And tell her growing = no buying = more <insert whatever she likes>.

It's addictive to watch them go through growing. My husband is already hoping for a male plant so that we can pair off some plants and make more seeds. I am hoping for all females (since I'm the one that is in charge of the growing). But he admires that my first grow has gone as well as it has so far. It's fun to do together!


Well-Known Member
she's toked longer than me in fact i do this for her more than myself but i want her to take the rains for a while u know what i mean


Well-Known Member
I'd deffo just start her off with one & let her bond with it, she'll soon be addicted - my 1st grow isn't even over yet & I'm already planning my next :lol: