Calmag & coco using bottled water


Well-Known Member
Hi guys,
I've Recently moved to Spain and switched to coco using bottled water as the tap water has a EC of 1.3 and PH of 8.5. The bottled water im currently using has an ec of 0.4 and ph of 7.5 before adding nutes.I'm feeding canna coco a+b 3ml to every litre in early stages of veg and have some pale leaves. They are getting an ec of 1.2 at the minute ph 5.9 I'm pretty sure the lack of calmag is causing the pale leaves, just looking for any other opinions and advice to solve this as quick as possible im thinking 1-2ml per litre of calmag. I've added a picture of the bottled water minerals for reference so you can see what im working with. Thanks in advance Mr green


Well-Known Member
Pale leafs is more a lack of N, brown or rust colored spots on leafs is cal issues. Coc has no nutes i it so feeding is important. It is recommended to water daily until run off and feed with each watering along with a full dose of calmag. Once a week flush with just ph water. Coc is hydro so treat it as such. Imo smart pots are a must with coco.