can anyone diagnose thsee 10 day seedlings

I will, rock wool sucks.
lol! its all what you make of it. i have some on hand, i don`t use it much but if i need a change i`ll break it out. it was what i started with in the beginning. it has to be great for plants because it`ll sure put on some green algae quicker than anything else.
i ilke the little brown sponge plugs for the most part. to me there's not a lot of difference between them and the jiffy puck.
I don't like RW either! I'm beginning to dislike all of these starter things for my hydro grows. I just checked the seedlings that were placed in the hydroton yesterday without any media and they are doing great so far, touch wood. I germ them in paper towel like I have from the beginning of time lol and am now just going to put them directly in a crevice in the rocks. Keep sprayers on till roots appear then time the spray.
I like neoprene sleeve starting seeds. I didn't much like RW either. I used a digi scale to make sure the RW wasn't too dry or wet. 40mm cube should weight about 5g bone dry and without a plant in it.

I water until 25g and let dry until about 12g, then rewater. That usually takes 16-24hours depending on room humidity.

They need some form of nutrients at a real diluted rate. Like .2EC.
I like neoprene sleeve starting seeds. I didn't much like RW either. I used a digi scale to make sure the RW wasn't too dry or wet. 40mm cube should weight about 5g bone dry and without a plant in it.

I water until 25g and let dry until about 12g, then rewater. That usually takes 16-24hours depending on room humidity.

They need some form of nutrients at a real diluted rate. Like .2EC.
Say what! You weigh the rockwool cube? Wow, taking it to a whole new level huh. The reason I dont like it is the water retention. Just seems like its always soaking wet and the plants seem to suffer for it. This last run will be the deciding factor as to use nothing at all if the girls do better, its a side by side grow with 12 Afgani plants.
Well once you get used to it its easy. I just tap the bottom of the cube in the water and its usually about how wet you need it.
Let's see...No nutes and the leaves are turning yellow.

Seeds are born with enough nutes to last a couple of days. In nature, plants grow in soil and can pick up nutes right away. Hydro changes all that. I start feeding my seedlings as soon as they pop roots.

Go easy on the light the first two weeks. Put you hand over the plant and leave it for a full minute. If your hand starts to feel uncomfortable then your lights are too close.