can anyone help a Canadian patient with (suspected) root rot?


Well-Known Member
So I ran out of plants for a room. So in a pinch I threw an cch20 8 plant system in there. Ran some dwc before so I figured what the hell (I know running hydro next to soil is a big no no but like I said I ran out of clones).
Plants developed the rot early on. I used ewc tea. Worm castings, 60ml aquashield, 2 tablespoons molasses per 5 gallon brewing bucket. All was well from 1st week of veg up until now ( mid 3rd week bloom). I decided to get fancy and add zho at half a spoonful. Now it looks like the rot is back with a vengeance. I'm feeding advanced a +b, and big bud. Water temp is 67f. 700 ppm (500 scale). I've tried h2o2 on previous runs but it hasn't done anything for me. Help?



Well-Known Member
hydrogen peroxide can help.
watering less will see new white roots come out of the old brown ones.
Make sure you have an air gap as well.


Well-Known Member
Root rot is a fungus known as pythium,
in my aged experience with cannabis dwc, and root rot,
I do not see enough evidence in those pics to warrant any fear as yet

look for stinky, rotten socks smell, and dark brown roots
if so keep the root damp and snip the brown roots off
then wash well in air temperate water and 10% household bleach,
check well first tho


Well-Known Member
Agree with vostok botanicare in a dwc will make your roots look brown and a lil slimey but they smell sweet no rotten smell = ok


Well-Known Member
To be honest they don't smell rotten . But the roots are snow white at the bottom but black at the crown and spreading


Well-Known Member
You seem to be going the organic route. Are you using an enzyme to help breakdown any roots as they die off? Hydrogen Peroxide will work at lower doses but WILL kill any beneficial organisms being provided from organic fertilizers and amendments.


Well-Known Member
You seem to be going the organic route. Are you using an enzyme to help breakdown any roots as they die off? Hydrogen Peroxide will work at lower doses but WILL kill any beneficial organisms being provided from organic fertilizers and amendments.
I'm fairly new to dwc, and I've used ewc tea in the past and it worked miracles for me, while h2o2 was a disappointment. What enzyme do you suggest?


Well-Known Member
Any enzyme from any reputable company should work fine. Just keep in mind to feed a bit on the lighter side if you do opt to use an enzyme. Once the roots breakdown the plant will try and "digest" anything broken down as a result, so it will be getting SOME ppm from it which is why you may want to feed a bit lighter.

Not saying issues will arise as a result, but I did encounter this issue when I first tried the stuff and didn't take that into account. Especially with no medium(soilless, coco, dirt) to buffer any mistakes in dosage. The only products that come to mind off the top of my head are CannaZym by Advanced nutrients, Hygrozyme(called Grozyme in Canada) and I forget the name of the last but it's made by Hesi Fertilizers


Well-Known Member
Any enzyme from any reputable company should work fine. Just keep in mind to feed a bit on the lighter side if you do opt to use an enzyme. Once the roots breakdown the plant will try and "digest" anything broken down as a result, so it will be getting SOME ppm from it which is why you may want to feed a bit lighter.

Not saying issues will arise as a result, but I did encounter this issue when I first tried the stuff and didn't take that into account. Especially with no medium(soilless, coco, dirt) to buffer any mistakes in dosage. The only products that come to mind off the top of my head are CannaZym by Advanced nutrients, Hygrozyme(called Grozyme in Canada) and I forget the name of the last but it's made by Hesi Fertilizers
Thanks. So I should drop my ppm to 600 ish, continue my Benny regiment, and add cannazyme at dosage suggested on the bottle? Should I top feed it or add to the control bucket? Add just at nute change or more frequently? Any particular ph to help the process?


Well-Known Member
Look to the vigor of the plants for clues here,
brown roots ..are brown
any pythium wilt?
Lower leaves are drooping. Upper fan leaves aren't drooping but they aren't raised in happiness either. Theyre just there. The roots are white at the bottom but black at the top. Not brown but black. If I touch the black part some pieces of roots come away


Well-Known Member
The bud is developing well, but their stretch is pretty much done so it is difficult for me to judge vigor. They seem to be drinking less


Well-Known Member
I'd be cautious of fiddling with those very sensitive roots
for now I'd just monitor the situation ...
and foilar feed 2x times per day..
as a back up

(add 1/2 teaspoon of kelp? (nute) to a pint hand sprayer
fill with water shake and spray
change the liquid every 2-3 days)


Well-Known Member
I'd be cautious of fiddling with those very sensitive roots
for now I'd just monitor the situation ...
and foilar feed 2x times per day..
as a back up

(add 1/2 teaspoon of kelp? (nute) to a pint hand sprayer
fill with water shake and spray
change the liquid every 2-3 days)
Just go to my hydro store and ask for kelp? And by change the liquid you mean in the sprayer or drain my system and do a changeout? I will post pics of the actual plants tonight so that you can be the judge


Well-Known Member
My experience with pythium in dwc was horrible. It prompted me to switch to promix.
Your roots don't look too bad imo.
Kudos Vostok for some really good advice.
Good luck .


Well-Known Member
Im with @vostok if they dont smell bad and the plant looks heathy just maintain.
I thought my rrots.were.bad when I first used botanicare in dwc but they never smelled it was fine


Well-Known Member
Thanks for advice guys. I may just be panicking because pythium terrifies me. I lost a crop thanks to it a few years back. It just seems like the "black" is spreading but it could just be on the top of the water and as the water level goes down, more of the roots get stained. I will update more in about 6 hours when I go heck on the plants