Can anyone help me understand?


Well-Known Member
I just did a Shatter run of Gorilla Glue #4. I like to keep notes for reference, and noticed on my last 2 runs, I lost about a gram and a half somewhere on both. Heres how, and can anyone tell me why?
I weigh the starting material.
I weigh the finished extract.
I weigh the starting material after blasting.
Yesterday, I started with 26.6g of flowers, I ended up with 4.8g of shatter, and the post-blast weight of the flowers was 20.3. It should have been 21.8.
26.6(flower)-4.8(shatter)=21.8 (post-blast weight)
26.6 (flowers)-20.3(pb weight)= 6.3
6.3g is a 23.6% yield, 4.8g is an18% yield.
6.3 Sounds a lot better... But where did the other 1.5g go if it wasn't extracted?
- Both runs were roughly the same starting/ending weights.
-Both runs were of GG#4 (most likely different strains of GG) roughly trimmed flowers.
- I freeze my butane and flowers a minimum of 3 hours before extraction.
- I use 1can of Colibri butane per extraction.
- I blast in a closed loop extractor under vacuum (obviously) with a recovery tank.
- I blast directly onto PTFE, and put that right in my vacuum chamber, so I dont have any loss due to transfers.
Looking back on my notes, there's always discrepancies between starting/finishing weight and total extraction weight, but it hasn't been more than .4g previously so I didn't pay much attention
The only reason i can think of is that I improperly dried my starting material that last 2 tines and the 1.5g was lost somewhere in moisture evaporation?
Can anyone tell me why this is?
Finished product:
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Well-Known Member
It’s probably due to evaporation of water and some aromatics. I personally wouldn’t waste my time splitting hairs.