Can Anyone Tell Me WTF Is Happening To My Plant?


Well-Known Member
i had plants at 2 feet tall, started to flower almost 2 weeks ago. they are 4 feet tall now.
i simply dont have the money to buy the lamp i want to flower with, unless i migrate her slowly outside then flower, but the weather here is crap.

worse case, ill put her outside for 12 hrs a day. id rather not have to do that tho.


Well-Known Member
just over 2 ft right now, i have another 2 foot headroom at least, i dont think ill top or trim, i might trim when ive started to flower.

topping scares me, lol and i think its too late now anyway.
So you may end up with a 4-5 ft plant when all is said and done.A 400 hps and a plant of that size will not produce much.All your thick buds will be on the top end of your plant while the middle and bottom will stay as fluffy airish larf.

Don't trim once you flip your lights to 12/12 as this affects yield.Topping and trimming is best done before you go to 12/12.

Feels like i'm tellin ta to cut your wifes head off huh?She will be fine bro.Another issue is your pot size.She gets too big in that pot your going to have issues.By topping her you reduce the amount of food she will need to stay healthy.


Well-Known Member
So you may end up with a 4-5 ft plant when all is said and done.A 400 hps and a plant of that size will not produce much.All your thick buds will be on the top end of your plant while the middle and bottom will stay as fluffy airish larf.

Don't trim once you flip your lights to 12/12 as this affects yield.Topping and trimming is best done before you go to 12/12.

Feels like i'm tellin ta to cut your wifes head off huh?She will be fine bro.Another issue is your pot size.She gets too big in that pot your going to have issues.By topping her you reduce the amount of food she will need to stay healthy.
lol id have NO trouble topping my wife

so what your saying is, cut her ?

when is the best time ? shes about 9-10 weeks into veg and going really well, apart from a few dead leaves down the bottom...


Well-Known Member
Lol!Don't let her see that shit!

Look at it like this.She is a bit over 2 ft ya said.With 5 more weeks you may be lookin at just over 3 foot by the time you put her into 12/12.She will more than likely double in size if not a bit more during flower.That is a huge plant.I would not want that under a 400 or cfl,especially a cfl in case ya can't get the 400.

If it were my plant...

Cut the top 8 inches off,she will be fine.Is the reason you have not put her into flower cause you want to get a 400?


Well-Known Member
Lol!Don't let her see that shit!

Look at it like this.She is a bit over 2 ft ya said.With 5 more weeks you may be lookin at just over 3 foot by the time you put her into 12/12.She will more than likely double in size if not a bit more during flower.That is a huge plant.I would not want that under a 400 or cfl,especially a cfl in case ya can't get the 400.

If it were my plant...

Cut the top 8 inches off,she will be fine.Is the reason you have not put her into flower cause you want to get a 400?
you are like to flower her soon, not sure about nute ratio tho , i was told 2-1-3 ?

are you seriously saying cut the top 8 inches off ?

thats like one third of my plant !


Well-Known Member
Ok. First go here and read everything so nect time your not at the mercy of everyones opinions about what is going on.

Read it and memorize it! I would suggest writing it down or making a flow chart of the info so you truly learn it..and learn what each nutrient does! Ok back to your plant. It seems perfectly fine to me, it could be a little darker green (more N) but whatever. At two feet tall you can expect some leaves to fall off the bottom. They yellow, get lots of browning and then just fall off. You don't have a whole lot of light in there. I SCROG or veg heavily for 8-9 weeks under 600's and when flowering starts I loose allot of understory leaves.

A micro nute def would show more stark signs, typically on more than a single leaf. My suggestions:

Implement a foliar treatment plan. Foliar feeding allows for almost instant uptake of nutrients. One of the best all around foliar treatments is sea kelp. It has allot of micro nutrients (the cold pressed variety has much less) and more importantly it has a wealth of growth hormones in it that act to hasten the uptake and transformation of nutrients. There are a shit ton of different kinds. My favorite is sea green. It is NOT cheap ($60 a bottle) but it is the most concentrated stuff I have ever used 0.5ml/gallon for foliar application. So a small bottle will make almost 1,000 gallons. 500 if your watering with it.

My second suggestion is to top your plant. I would hack off the top 1/3. I top at least twice. Once at around 5 nodes and again at 7. You want to increase the number of main trunks as soon as possibly so they are as low as possible on the plant. Topping and LST are your friends. Especially if you only have one plant. A bushy plant with a nice even canopy will yield several times more than a single cola plant. This is especially the case running artificial light which rapidly decreases in intensity (the square of the distance)

Hope this helps


Well-Known Member
im learning faster lately , trying to read and gather as much info as possible, my next grow i was wanting to do LST anyway, ive realised that already.

when is the best time to top ? as the lights go on 1st thing ?


Well-Known Member
Don't really matter bro....when ever you feel like.You have done a good job....she is a nice plant.

It "is" best to start earlier in the veg stage to create the plant as you wish.My reason for this info is that i see you having issues down the road without topping.


Well-Known Member
After you top her....use the extra shoots to practice your cloning bro.Even if ya don't need them.Ya can tossem if ya don't need them.....practice,practice,practice.

Your on the right track.


Well-Known Member
Off wit her head!!!!!!!!

How many nodes do you have left on her?

She looks better than i thought bro.No discoloration in your stalk or petitoles.


Well-Known Member
8 or 9 , ill check later when its lights out....

within an hour of the chop, she was starting to perk right up.

also im looking forward to monday, i have an extractor on its way, and sunday im ordering a small intake fan, so ill have that to sort out next week.


Well-Known Member
Looks good dude, keep an eye on the pH and dying leaves, you got things to work at and if all else fails i'd say it was the pH. Nicely topped, gona get bushy now, really need to stop them leaves dying now. Peace


Well-Known Member
thanks people, thanks so much.

also, it was 8 nodes, just went down for lights out, shes looking and smelling lovely :)


RIU Bulldog
well here she is , under the light growing ....there 'might' be a bit of an N def going on, because last time i used plain water with epsom salt.

next nutes will be 2 2 2 im not happy with a 3 1 2 mix, i might alternate , 3 1 2 , 2 2 2, 3 1 2, 2 2 2
Ah yeah man, those leave just aren't getting any light, but that's normal when your plants are that tall and you're only using CFL's. I wouldn't worry about it man. If you do, you'll fuck your plant up more trying to 'fix' nothing. Plant looks really nice btw. Keep it up.


Well-Known Member
Totally healthy plant. Couldnt be much healthier really... Now do you see how everyone just starts throwing deficiencies at you and random guesses... Only to have your "problem" be just a simple fact of growing plants indoors.

Kudos on topping her.