Can growing weed effect my pregnant wife or unborn child?

I was wondering...I use organic nuts and foxfarm soil, My wife is 6 weeks and my grow op has just started producing some exciting results and now Im starting to think I may be endangering my unborn child by having a grow op in the house with a pregnant wife around. My grow op is in our room in the closet. I run a carbon filter and inline fan and my room is sealed up real good. If any one has info on this subject please let me know


Unless the fetus is smoking your bud it sounds like you're ok. Although definitely get a more professional opinion since that's not something to play around with. Also Congrats on the Child and Grow!


New Member
So long as your wife does not come into direct contact with fertilizers or sprays you should be fine. Make sure you wash your hands after handling nutrients and such, and that'll do it. I don't know of any studies or statistics directly relating birth defects and the like to products used for cultivating pot, but so long as she doesn't go out of her way to handle this stuff all the time it's probably A-OK.


New Member
Oh, if you are running an Ozone generator that might be something to research. Sulphur vaporizers/burners and chemical sprays used to kill bugs/mold/stench are definately something for her to avoid.
Oh, if you are running an Ozone generator that might be something to research. Sulphur vaporizers/burners and chemical sprays used to kill bugs/mold/stench are definately something for her to avoid. fancy stuff like that, But thank you swelchjohn your information is greatly appreciated


Well-Known Member
I just completed a university level research paper on the effects of cannabis. Based on my research, I can say that living near growing cannabis will produce no adverse long term health effects. In fact, indoor environments populated with plants are far healthier to live in. Particulate matter sticks to leaves, and unwanted chemicals are filtered out of the air. Cannabis is an especially effective variety because of how fast and large it may grow.

However, chemicals involved with growing may pose health risks. This is an excellent time to consider going completely organic. It may cost a bit more and take a bit longer, but it results in a better environment for your family. Furthermore, some say that organically grown cannabis tastes superior to other forms of production.


Active Member
You're straight - people worry too much and you are all organic so I doubt you have to be careful with the nutrients even... If your carbon filter isn't very good then I bet the tiny charcoal particles in the air is the only harmful thing.


Well-Known Member
Why does it sound funny? because its been put in your minds as a bad thing

Its a plant, if anything its doing your wife and baby more good than not having it there
I just completed a university level research paper on the effects of cannabis. Based on my research, I can say that living near growing cannabis will produce no adverse long term health effects. In fact, indoor environments populated with plants are far healthier to live in. Particulate matter sticks to leaves, and unwanted chemicals are filtered out of the air. Cannabis is an especially effective variety because of how fast and large it may grow.

However, chemicals involved with growing may pose health risks. This is an excellent time to consider going completely organic. It may cost a bit more and take a bit longer, but it results in a better environment for your family. Furthermore, some say that organically grown cannabis tastes superior to other forms of production.
Excellent advice... Im curious to see what my local news has to say on the subject they are covering a story and I couldn't wait till 9:00pm so I decided to inquire hear, I live in Colorado and its a growing controversy


Well-Known Member
I smoked pot throughout both my pregnancies, both my boys are fine... Beautiful specimens of human beings.... :-) Don't stress about growing around


I have one of those bcnl producers in our bedroom I am having second thoughts about it being there but it doesnt fit anywhere else I run advanced nutes in it. It has a good charcoal filter and is closed in an ac'd environment. Should I be concerened or am I worrying over nothing?


does growing roses and cilantro affect pregnancy its a plant dude it breathes in co2 and exhales oxygen how can it be bad


Active Member
The only thing I can add to this is check the laws and shit regarding having a child in a home with a grow - medically legal or not I think there was a news story about a marine in that position...he's dominating the court system last I heard, but I think a legal battle is high on the list of last things you want...
Keep it good man, as far as health and whatnot, don't let anyone drink your nutes and your family will be absolutely fine - its the legalities that you wanna keep an eye on.