Can Having wet soil for a week cause problems?


Active Member
I flushed my plants 3 days ago and am going out of town tomorrow for 3 days. Because I won't be home to water my plants I flushed them again tonight even though they were still wet from the last time. I wanted to really saturate the soil which I did, I am just concerned about the fact that the soil will be wet for about a week before drying out. Will this cause problems?
1. Why did you flush them?
2. Why did you flush them again 3 days later?
3. What medium are you in?
4. Where are you going?...j/k
If you just flushed, and they were still wet 3 days later, why do you think they would dry out for the 3 days you're going to be gone?
They should be fine... id worry more about over watering at this point.
I flushed my plants 3 days ago and am going out of town tomorrow for 3 days. Because I won't be home to water my plants I flushed them again tonight even though they were still wet from the last time. I wanted to really saturate the soil which I did, I am just concerned about the fact that the soil will be wet for about a week before drying out. Will this cause problems?
Sorry to say, too much water. You can get by like this but your girls won't be happy. If you must leave things alone for extended periods of time, perhaps Blumats or other type of auto-waterer. Good luck...
1. Why did you flush them?
2. Why did you flush them again 3 days later?
3. What medium are you in?
4. Where are you going?...j/k
If you just flushed, and they were still wet 3 days later, why do you think they would dry out for the 3 days you're going to be gone?
They should be fine... id worry more about over watering at this point.
I flushed my plants because my runoff oh was low and my plants didn't look good. I flushed again not to flush the soil but to saturate it as much as possible since I will not be able to water them for a few days.
If his first question is how to save his seeds after a week, after already flushing twice, I rescind my advice... If it is whether or not the plants in an unknown state of growth will make it or not.... they have provided no info, so my guess is yes, if smart, no if not...?
It is a weed, it makes it most of the time...
If his first question is how to save his seeds after a week, after already flushing twice, I rescind my advice... If it is whether or not the plants in an unknown state of growth will make it or not.... they have provided no info, so my guess is yes, if smart, no if not...?
It is a weed, it makes it most of the time...
Oh it’s gonna make it for sure.And I feel you man. I just want to see dude put out some killa killa and with soil like that... you know what I mean man. All too often we see people growing in mud. That’s what I’m envisioning here. I hope I’m wrong and OP grows the frostiest buds we’ve all ever seen.
Oh it’s gonna make it for sure.And I feel you man. I just want to see dude put out some killa killa and with soil like that... you know what I mean man. All too often we see people growing in mud. That’s what I’m envisioning here. I hope I’m wrong and OP grows the frostiest buds we’ve all ever seen.
i mean, riu grows dank, we all share. wit chu man!! ;]