Can i pull off seeds during flowering? PLEASE HELP


Active Member
Hey folks I was wondering my buddy and i found some seeds on a few plants. Probably a hermie or two messed up are hopes of sesemillia. any way i was wondering if we pull off these seeds if this will help produce more THC, we want potent bud and i know seeds take energy and resources away from THC production.

MY main questions are,
1. if i pull seeds off will it produce better bud
2. if i pull seeds off will it hurt bud or thc production
p.s. when i say pull off i mean pull them off right now before harvest time so these ladies still have a chance to produce more THC FOR OUR HOME CONSUMPTION :)

thanks for your time


Well-Known Member
i dont think it will hurt if it's only a few i've pollinated whole buds and it was still super potent


Active Member
hey, it shouldn't do the plant any harm.

But it's won't help the heads thc levels. Once the seed is formed and ready to plant it stops taking thc from the plants. whether you take it off or leave it on won't make any difference.
if you want to make your heads more potent you will have to sort through the head and remove the seeds as they start forming. a fertilized head will spent thc in the creation of seeds. pick off the newly formed seed you stop the sap of thc.
it will be hard work cause you will probably have to do it often, like every day or 2nd day. and identify the new potential seeds.

good luck man.:peace: