can i smoke the buds during flowering


Active Member
hey my plant started flowering about 2 weeks ago. i am will be honest and say i really want to smoke right now but i do not know if it will be good for the plant if i take some of the buds and smoke it. will it kill the plant? will the buds get me high? i have so many buds growing on it so i was thinking taking one off wont hurt.

someone please answer!!! thanks!!!! :)


Active Member
it wont hurt the plant but it wont do it any good the bud wont be much good anyway leave alone and let her grow BE PATIENT:leaf:


Well-Known Member
To be honest , without a good flush , drying and even the cure its gonna be harsh , and prolly give u a huge headache . From a past experience is what i got from doing that . Not flushing it alone prolly gave me the head ache Good Lcuk tho


Active Member
Don't take a bud off 2 weeks in its going to get much larger and if u take a .5 bud now in 8 weeks it could be a quarter or more if you lucky. As for your question its probably not the best thing for your plant to chop off some brand new growth.


Well-Known Member
lol trust me I have wanted to smoke my buds to but it isn't worth it ....... thats why i dont go look at mine every day lol or i would try to smoke ..... keep waiting it sucks but you made it through this far its not much longer......


Well-Known Member
The thing about making it thru this long is , that tis is the time it flowers so you see the process your plant has gone thru . It is hard if ya give your girl all the TLC she should have . I touch and smell mine everyday to let her know i love her and that soon we can be together lol . I also tell her to get 8ft tall as im walking away . Maybe she will listen


Well-Known Member
lol i dont know if that was responding to me, but if you are i spend several hours with them, thats the visit otherwise I go down there and make sure they are okay and the lights aren't too close and all. But I just make sure that she is comfortable and leave again, there really isn't too much to look at during this part of the 3rd week. But like I said I am down there for several hours a couple days a week.


Well-Known Member
At around midnight every night I go into her room. I usually drag my fingers along her budcrack, then cover my nose with her scent and some deep breaths, every other day ill let her get drunk and we slowdance until 420am usually to some classic rock. At which point she and I need to go to bed. Then we do it all again the next day.


Well-Known Member
I can relate dude Ima week into flowering and the bud already looks viable, pretty shiney white hairs wrapping around the stalks. Im sure there is like no THC in em yet..Guess I'll just keep smokin dis blu-blu cheese. Gdnight..


Well-Known Member
I been having this problem too. The little early flowering buds look so tempting. But I know they wouldn't be very tasty or potent, and I'd probably damage my yield in some way. Oh well, here's to harvesting in a month or so. That's the prediction for my plant.


Well-Known Member
hell yeah man. Tink of how good dat smokes gonna be? tink of a fat sack stuffed with mini football sized nuggage. ZoMg!!! The farthest I've read, that you should go to RAPING your girls like that is by maybe pickin some tester popcorn nugs off the very bottom a week or two before harvest. Its like we think the buds are tempting now..Probably more tempting when you got a closet packed with almost a lb of KUSH. just a try just a try just a try. You fuck your harvest, respect what she provides. Set a date and stick to it, don't touch the top buds till THAT DAY.