Can I speed up process??

48 hours into hanging upside down. Problem is that I am going away in 10 days. Will be gone for 8 days(Jamaica!). What can I do to speed up the process a little. Smell is strong and others will be around to take of pets while I'm away. I know patience is necessary but I need to do something soon without compromising my small crop--lr2 if that matters. Any help appreciated.


Well-Known Member
I'd think they should be good and dry by the time you leave. I wouldn't worry.To speed things up, you could put a fan on them or use a dehumidifier.Have fun in Jamaica!!


Active Member
if you have good air flow theyll dry faster. when i dried my stuff from the summer i had it in a closet with a blanket hung over the door with a small gap on top and bottom. set a normal cheap box fan infront of it so the air could blow in through the bottom and circulate out of the top. they were dry in about 3 days and crispy dry in 4 days
Thanks to everyone for their advice. Product in bags, sans stems, and placed by an open window. I will check everyday to see progress. When dried sufficiently all will go into jar. Anyone ever hear of putting a seedless grape in with buds to retain some moisture?


Active Member
you can put anything wet in there to get them moist again but need to watch it real close it can mold fast. i also wouldnt suggest sticking them in jars for 10 days unattended right after drying. they need to be aired out every day till their dry enough


Well-Known Member
if you go to kingston be careful man. that place is strait ghetto.

duns river falls is pretty cool. and negril is the place to go if your going.