Can i switch from 18/6 to 24/0 after 3 weeks of vegging?


Wuddup riu,
super noob here with a question.
Can i flip my lights from 18/6 to 24/0 four weeks into vegging? Reason is that it gets pretty cold here at night, roughly 50-55 degrees in the house and im wondering if the cold could impact their growth?
Would the plants freak out if i flipped them to 24 for another week or so?
Wuddup riu,
super noob here with a question.
Can i flip my lights from 18/6 to 24/0 four weeks into vegging? Reason is that it gets pretty cold here at night, roughly 50-55 degrees in the house and im wondering if the cold could impact their growth?
Would the plants freak out if i flipped them to 24 for another week or so?
Go for it! I run 24/0 all the time. Plants LOVE it! Even after going 18/6, 24/0 will not hurt them. As long as they are in veg, any light schedule above 12 hours of light and under 12 hours of darkness will keep them happy!


bud bootlegger
it won't hurt them, but ime, plants like a lil bit of dark period.. i once read that plants under 24 hours of light grew 33% faster than plants under only 18 hours of light, so i was like, shit, who doesn't want 33% faster growth, so i tried it..
i found that they didn't actually grow as well under the lights all of the time and in fact seemed to do a lil better with some off time imo..

why don't you simply run your lamps at night when it's colder instead?? to adjust your lights, i'd simply give them enough dark time to re start your light schedule as this won't eff anything up.. for instance, you could leave them in the dark for say 12 hours or w/e, and simply start your new light period so that they are on at night when it's cooler out...h
i do this in the winter for the same reasons.. it's much colder out during the night so i run the lamps at this time to warm things up... i run them at night in the summer for the opposite reasons, simply cuz it's too damn hot during the days to run the lamps.. :)


Active Member
i run lamps at night as well, although i would do a long day as opposed to a long night being as your in veg. if you were in flower i would as racer said, do a long night.

my reasoning for this is simply that you dont want the plants to go from long days to a long night, and then back again. even for a day, that can really stress a plant and stall its vegging for about a week.

granted one night isnt that much, i would tend to switch the timer in respect to the cycle, veg cycle- give it a long day, flower cycle- a long night.



Well-Known Member
Along those same lines when I started growing 12/12 from seed I thought the plants would be way smaller each week but actually they were about the same!