Can i take my plants away from light to water?


Well-Known Member
For watering my 3 gallons , can i take them out of the grow room to the bathtub and water , then return to the grow room? I just dont want to stress them out but its a real pain in the ass dealing with drainage seeing as i have to water to runoff because im using coco coir as my medium. any help is appreciated! thank you roll it up!

Wesmkdro :leaf:


Active Member
I always take my plants out to water or feed. Any that get foilar fed or misted stay out till they dry before they go back under the lights.


Active Member
I'd imagine as long as your quick about it you'd be ok....try to figure out a better long term solution though? If you do water them that way, I'd suggest doing it during lights on also


Active Member
whats the rush? I take my time giving my plants food or water.. Its not like there arent cloudy times during the day. ;)


be carefull not to damage any leaves or anything when you move them. I do the same for flushing and have hurt a leave before.


Active Member
hehe if its not I have been screwing up since january. But its pretty good smoke for being screwed up :)


i do this i use soiless plants to fill in gaps in my canopy and they are spread out around my hydro buckets. its to much of a pain to do it any other way...


Well-Known Member
this is a good Q!,if you think about it,do outside plants get moved around,from place to place,their might not be no ill side effects,but it is something to think about.


Active Member
you moving your plants CAN make them stress and hermie on you, but the likelyhood of this happening is very small...if you think of it people transplant move from one side of the yard to the other for better light or indoors being turned and turned to be looked at or so that the outside flowers in on the grow space get better light as to have a consistant plant fix a problem and so on and so on... so i would not worry about it i have been doing this for awhile and always when i flush i take them to the bathroom or outside..good luck with your run bud best of luck