Can I transplant now or is it too soon?


Well-Known Member
Whats up, just trying to see if I can transplant my sprouts into like a 2.5 or 5 gal bucket now. Will it harm the plants? Too much shock too soon?


Well-Known Member
To the best of my knowledge, you should repot as late as you need to. Usually 2-4 weeks of rooting should be long enough. Anyways you should always repot as soon as the plant needs it. If you have your sprounts in a 8-16 oz. cup you should repot prob. two weeks, but a sure way to tell is if they have their first set of true leaves, that means about 4-6. Anyways I'm a newb so don't count on only my advice.


New Member
If you had some pics of the plants.... that would be something. If they don't have enough roots to hold the medium together you can do it easier if you water first (should anyway). Don't have to worry about being too careful but get em in big pots asap.


Well-Known Member
yeah you can transplant them now, its just when they are so young you can hurt the easier because of the root system being so small.