can i use organics right up to harvest?


Well-Known Member
been washing my plants for about 2 weeks now and they are not quite ready, can i use organic bloom stuff now till they are ready? v:?

where do i get molasses from?


Well-Known Member
I've heard experienced growers say organics are fine up to harvest. It makes sense to me although I think that if I'm staying close enough to the plants to see them start to swell I would back off anyway because there should be enough food left in the soil that along with some molasses you're good.

I believe you want blackstrap molasses and any health food store or organic like Whole Foods carries it. Blackstrap is cooked a step beyond regular molasses so that it's less sweet but more nutrient dense- I'm not sure all the nutrients are bio available so maybe that doesn't matter. Someone with more knowledge might chime in. If it is just for the carbs I imagine any molasses is fine.


Well-Known Member
Molasses is a pretty common cooking ingreadiant, found in the baking isle of most large super markets. It is also a common farm staple, sometimes used to coax cattle onto a different feed or hay. It should NOT be hard to find.


Well-Known Member
thanks guys, i went to garden centers today and had no luck, should be able to get some tomorrow :p

Dr High

Well-Known Member
usually you use molasses during the budding cycle, as soon as the buds start to show, thats what i do. Peace