can someone help with sexing a couple plants?


I am trying to determine sex of some plants.

I think the first plant pictured is a male. it looks like a ball on a stick. it sticks straight out and it looks like its starting to open up.

I think the middle two pictures are of a female because they are growing off to the side and are shaped kinda like a pistil.

I think the last picture is a male because it has a what the first pictured plant had about 3 days ago. some thing sticking straight out.

If anyone can confirm or help me try to sex these plants i would greatly appreciate it.



bud bootlegger
i agree.. the second and third look like a male to me, and the fourth looks like a female. but i am not sure on the first pix.. it is a lil unclear to me.. but i would imagine since you did such a good job recognizing the others, that you are probably right about this one as well..


thanks all, one of my best plants turned out to be a female so im stoked about that. i have another that im curious about. i cant tell if this one is female or male. Id like to hope its fem but i think its a male. if it is male, id like to pull it soon, space is at a premium these days. Any advice?



thanks all. this is my first grow and i think i have done ok so far. they are grown under cfl, that may be some of the stretching


Active Member
thanks all. this is my first grow and i think i have done ok so far. they are grown under cfl, that may be some of the stretching
well if you have them as close as you should they shouldnt make it strech :bigjoint: try moving the lights a bit closer.