Can Someone Please Explain Why My Rock Hard Buds Dried To Be Wispy???


Well-Known Member
my first grow. looked fan-fucking-tastic!! so far, the 1st plant i chopped is about done curing and taste very good, and the effects are just about what i was after. the first plant seemed to be the only plant that kept its density. its really odd. the buds where hella thick, dense and had rock hard calyxes when in plant form. but when i cut and hug to dry it seemed to open up a little, the other plants did. its rather odd. some of the bigger buds kept their density, and a few of the little buds. but im kinda disappointed. will they tighten up in the curing stages? the first plant was perfect, im wakin bakin with a nice juicy bowl as we speak. and im a long time vet, far from a rookie. not trying to brag, but i puff a lot of ganja, my tolerance is off the charts. it takes a lot of primo bud to get me zooted and this plant i chopped first is awesome!! the taste is def there, my eye lids get heavy, AND it kept most of its density. and the smell is ther, not totally strong, but if i open a jar people in the room get a wif, just not overly pungent. im highly impressed. but as far as the other plants i chopped down, they are not proving to be the same, but looked the same while growing. am i drying them incorrectly, i doubt i am. im doing everything by the book. sorry for my rambling. i hope i got my point across, i kinda need to know why this is happening.

oh i am NOT using Co2. and my nugs grew really dense, light is a 1000w HPS. so, what is up?


This happens to all bud, and proper curing will make the buds more dense. The bud will never be as dense as when it is on the plant.


Well-Known Member
that seems like it makes some sense. the first plant i chopped was correctly dried and cured and it went back to being more dense.

really? so no matter how dense they grow, they always loose a little density? and regain a little bit of whats lost back in curing? that too makes a lot of sense. i think im just tripping out. i dont know if im curing correctly. i think im over doing it.

thanks for the input. it is highly appreciated!