Can somone tell me why this happened i am stumped


Well-Known Member
ok i am an experianced grower and i cant figure this out

when i first started growing my plants had this metalic looking damage to the leaf surface and i bothered me forever until i figured out i had thrip damage.

now because of the thrip damage i though all along i had a nute burn so i kept flushing until i figured out i didnt had thrip damage

i killed the thrips with neem and that was solved.

after all this is realized i had a nute defenicy and fixed that as well.

the girls finnally started to bunce back and they were vibrent and green.

now i am coming to a close on this grow amd the leaves have these black spots and the are very dry to the touch and the seem to crack when i touch them

this is not typical end of flowing yellowing but rather my leaves have dead tissue and black spots on them.

can someone tell me why this happened?

i am gonna get a nice harvest i just wanna know why all the leaves died


Well-Known Member
i would check your ph bro becouse if you had a n deficiency you might have salt bulid up and a nute lock out from all the npk you used to heal them. it may also very well be a potassium deficiency in its advanced stage, were the leaf tips a little red befor the spots appeared? were is it starting from the tip of the leaf or from the middle out? are your stems red/purple?


Well-Known Member
i would agree with you on the PH however floranova series nutes that i have been using have a buffer in them to correct the PH.

could it be pro mix.

to the first poster:

ya the leave stems were red which indicated a k def but i do nute on a good level. from what i have heard tyhe flora series of nutes has a lot of salt which can lockout the k do you think this is the problem?>