Can this seedling recover?


Active Member
I havent used a seed in months and forgot I had to have a cfl right up on it or it would stretch. Well its like 5 days old now and probably streched to 4 inches tall. It looks bad but its an expensive seed.

I now have a cfl right on top of it so it wont stretch anymore. Will it make it or should I toss it?


Well-Known Member
Plants are pretty resiliant. If its a high $$$ seed, I would keep it.

Many people lollipop their plants, ie strip off all the bottom branches anyway. So just consider this girl pre-lollipopped!. If you are going to re-pot, you can bury the stem a little deeper and take away some stretch that way too.


Active Member
Plants are pretty resiliant. If its a high $$$ seed, I would keep it.

Many people lollipop their plants, ie strip off all the bottom branches anyway. So just consider this girl pre-lollipopped!. If you are going to re-pot, you can bury the stem a little deeper and take away some stretch that way too.
Good idea man thanks. Yeah, its a feminized Moby Dick. I read they are pretty good and had one from a while back and decided to go for it.

Now Im growing Nothern Lights, White Widow, Pineapple Express and Moby Dick. Haha. Im addicted to this plant, its so amazing.