Can you clone a 1/4-inch thick main top?


Well-Known Member
might be closer to 1/2 inch thick

I have a stem that's grown into a mutant on a female WW. It is the only 1 out of 4 main stems. (4 cola plant). Weird cus I didn't notice this till now so I guess it happened during/after the stretch.

This is the 2nd time I've seen this, the first time was from seed on my Qleaner, which grew like this till about a foot tall and split itself. It was a monster, sadly it turned out to be a male:

Anyhow, what this mutant stem does, is grow into a thick and flat belt shape which has anywhere from 3 to 7+ leaf sets per node. I say node, but actually it alternates like a staircase pattern. Imagine the amount of bud when flowering!

However, only the main stem grows like this and the side shoots grow normally.

Was wondering what my chances are of cloning this? The plant is close to flowering so if the chances are low I'd rather keep the yield from that 1 cola


according to the bible the best spot to take stems from is the new growth on the bottom and it gets harder to root as you go higher up the plant.


Well-Known Member
I've had very high success with cloning from the top or bottom of the plant.

I like the bottom a bit better because the stems are harder and it helps prevent
wilting in the clones.

I wouldn't take 1/4 colas off your plant if yield is a huge factor for you. You can clone
off of much smaller branches and still get the exact same genetics, and not have to
sacrifice a main cola.


Well-Known Member
yea but if it's successful the new clone will have monster yields in flower.

Did you guys like read the title only or something?

So chances are pretty good then?


Active Member
i saw a video from a commercial grower who said he chops the top off during topping and uses them to make clones... and these were bigass tops

Tha Cheese

Active Member
Check this one I have going.......

........It was pretty damn thick it's a beast...Oh it's front left if you


Well-Known Member
It will clone fine, you can even clone in flower it simply just takes more time.
But that clone isn't necessarily going to have bigger yields
simply because it's bigger in size. I've taken many clones of tops and sides
as well and they all basically turn into the same plant since they all have the
same genetics. I think rootmass might have something to do with it as well
A huge clone and a smaller clone taken at the same time will likely clone just
as fast and develop the same root structure as they have identical genetics.

That's why I think taking them off the bottom of a flowering plant is a much
better idea.
-Doesn't take away from yield as much
-Typically lower branches get the least light and produce the least, so why not turn them into a clone?
-Cutting off your lower branching (lollipopping) will only help increase the productivity of your main colas.

Tha Cheese

Active Member
Agreed with disposition...although this was from the top and turned out's mother was huge and healthy as well and in the end did not make much difference. It was a really nice fat ass "christmas tree". I just did it to do it, ya know? Cuttings from the bottom are my recommendation as well!!!


Well-Known Member



except that was a different plant that turned out male.

and it is the only top out of the 4 that is mutated. The side shoots on the mutant grow normally so I can only clone this top. Unless I figure out how to make shoots grow like this, because it doesn't seem to be gene related.

thanks to anyone else that helped though. Questions been pretty much answered.

Tha Cheese

Active Member
Hey man....First off, yes we are all stoned....and secondly, I'm sorry if I angered you by posting on this thread. I read the question about cloning a main top and answered with the pic. Sorry I didn't take in to account that it was a mutant freak of nature w/ 4, 5, 7 leaf sets per node. I sincerely apologize. I just thought that fat ass top I posted was nice and was appropriate for your thread. Anyway, I hope you work out whatever issues that are troubling you today andhave a great evening. Good luck!!!

:peace::joint::joint::joint:Tha Cheese:joint::joint::joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
Hey man....First off, yes we are all stoned....and secondly, I'm sorry if I angered you by posting on this thread. I read the question about cloning a main top and answered with the pic. Sorry I didn't take in to account that it was a mutant freak of nature w/ 4, 5, 7 leaf sets per node. I sincerely apologize. I just thought that fat ass top I posted was nice and was appropriate for your thread. Anyway, I hope you work out whatever issues that are troubling you today andhave a great evening. Good luck!!!

:peace::joint::joint::joint:Tha Cheese:joint::joint::joint::peace:
yea that picture definitely helped. Now I see it's possible. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
Was wondering what my chances are of cloning this? The plant is close to
flowering so if the chances are low I'd rather keep the yield from that 1 cola
Your thread title is "Can you clone a 1/4-inch thick main top?"

Those are the only questions in your entire original post,
we responded with YES it will clone.

So before you become a huge hypocrite, why don't you take the time to relax,
smoke a bowl and just bare with the forums in a positive manner.

Please also explain to me how this isn't genetically related? From my understanding
genetics make up the entire makeup of the plant, and I imagine it'd also be part of
the reason for it growing in the strange way it is. Even if it's simply a mutation
it's still in its genetic potential to do that again.

Cloning it would definitely be a worthwhile experiment if you can afford the yield loss
for now. I'm sure it will take just fine as I've been able to clone every strain I've worked
with at almost 100% (20 or so varieties).


Well-Known Member
Your thread title is "Can you clone a 1/4-inch thick main top?"

Those are the only questions in your entire original post,
we responded with YES it will clone.

So before you become a huge hypocrite, why don't you take the time to relax,
smoke a bowl and just bare with the forums in a positive manner.

Please also explain to me how this isn't genetically related? From my understanding
genetics make up the entire makeup of the plant, and I imagine it'd also be part of
the reason for it growing in the strange way it is.

I haven't had enough time to read entirely through the other thread you linked, but i'll
read shortly.
The question was answered, but you ignored everything else in the original post, or misread or something.

Because you said it would not yield more, obviously you did read something in the original post.

It's like some phenomenon with this forum and sometimes it annoys me.

Ask a question and you don't get a straight answer.
(and by that I mean all the people who never bothered reading the opening post and suggesting to clone the lower parts)
Ask multiple questions and it's like you never asked a question at all.

I don't think it's genetically related because i've never seen other mutants like this, and #2, it's happened in two strains (nirvana WW and TGA Qleaner) halfway into veg / transition. When they first start out they all grew normally.
So I'm thinking it's growing conditions.

You don't even have to read the other thread, just look at the pictures... well here:


That is the Qleaner male. Notice it even started to split itself.

The top I want to clone is of a WW female, and judging by how it's growing now it will turn into something like the Qleaner.


Well-Known Member
I was in the process of reading it when you posted it, I didn't notice it was a link
at first and only noticed it when you made a point to specify it was a link, sorry I'm
at work now and your thread doesn't have 100% of my attention.

If your only experience is with a male plant how are you so confident it will yield so
high? I realize and have read that you said it had many more nodes when you
grew out the male but that doesn't mean that female flowers on a mutant plant
will produce well. In the same respect though, a mutant with more sites could in fact
grow larger and more frequent buds leading to a higher yield.

I encourage you to experiment and prove me wrong as it would be great to figure out
that this does in fact prove to yield more and you can identify what causes it and how
to repeat it.

I'm not trying to attack you or tell you you're wrong here, I'm simply asking questions. I'm
not an expert nor do I claim to be, I just like to understand why things do what they do, and
that's exactly what you're trying to do as well with your experiment.

I'm also curious if you were to clone it, and then top it what would that lead to? Potential for a 7
top plant?


Well-Known Member
Yes, will lead to 7 tops but I don't know how many will be dominant.

My intention however is to top it, flower the original plant,
save & root the top, veg for 1-2 months, and repeat.

Because if I lose the top it will not grow like a mutant anymore it will just grow normally. Understand? Only the main stem is putting out multiple nodes/shoots.

My logic here is that more bud sites = more yield. The male in that picture is untopped and 2-3 times size what it was now, and most of the side shoots have grown out.


Well-Known Member
You mention your ww is following in similar patterns of the Qleaner,
does this include the splitting at the top?

What became of the splitting at the top with the Qleaner? Did it
each newly formed top continue to put out more nodes than normal
or did the plant like stabilize itself?


Well-Known Member
No it hasn't split. It might, who knows. If it does that'd be cool cus then I could take 2 tops. Or take one top and flower the other with the mutant top intact.

The Qleaner that split now has 2 mutated tops instead of one, and continues to put out more nodes than usual.

I'll take a picture when I have time.