Can you use the hps bulbs they sell at home depot?


Sorry I am very new to HPS just curious if there is much difference between the grow bulbs and ones sold at home depot.


Well-Known Member
a bit some grow bulbs emit other spectums so say your plants in flower can have a little blue/green light. As long as your ballast is the same wattage as the bulb at hmdpt then knock yourself out


Active Member
you will need to get a "ansi" ballast and a mogul socket to use the hps bulbs at hdepot.

most of the time hdepot wont have the proper ansi ballast. you will have to go to a elextrical supply store for that.

Carl Moss

Active Member
I always used 250 watt HPS bulbs from Home Depot with no trouble. The brand was Phillips I believe, and they can be burned vertically or horizontally. I've never tried a Hortalux or any other fancy bulb because I was not willing to spend that much money for a bulb when a $20 one from HD or Lowe's works just dandy.


Well-Known Member
i use hortilux bulbs and i dunno since i only used a 75whps from the depot before if the hortilux are any better as they are a much higher wattage

so i'd say rock the homedept one, just make sure the bulb watts match the ballest