Canada trip for seeds!


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, Im going to Canada in a few months (Toronto to be exact). Im going up with a buddy from the US. and was wondering if anyone has had any experience with the Ontario Seedbank store? They are on the backs of High Times sometimes. And I would like to know any tips/pointers from anyone that has ever brought seeds back with them across the border. Thanks everyone!


Well-Known Member
Thats a dang good question that have wondered about. I hope to see some good relevant comments. :hump:


Well-Known Member
I've done it in the past...wasn't really a big deal.i took a pen apart like the ones that unscrew into two pieces put my seeds in either side taped them off and then taped them under my ball sack.Worked great!I would make sure your not bringing anything else with you cases of triple xxx molson or shit like that cause they will search you.check out brad at the hemp depot he is in ontario as well.


Active Member
Sacred Seeds is better there's also a place called happy man's check them out, but beware most of the seedbanks in TO are always out of the most popular strains I no this becayse i'm at them regularly and they don't restock until the least popular sell out I think your better off saving money on the trip and use that to order off the net way cheaper! Thats the other problem about the TO seed banks the mark up is sometimes as much as 300% compared to Attitude seedbank and seedboutique and Doc chronic! Google the names I gave you and you'll see I;m right about the mark up!