Canadian Forum needs to be split.

If the mods split the Canadian forum into two sections would you like that ?

  • Yes please get me outta here and away from MMAR fighters with a MMPR/LP forum.

  • Yes please serperate us from these LP supporter's with an MMAR forum.

  • No I like it the way it is.

  • I like to fight here

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Hippy I highly recommend you check out some of Immanuel Kant's works on morals and ethics. You mean well but you tend to conflate issues and I think the suggested reading would help you improve your communication.
It's tough reading but it will change the way you think. I recommend to everyone here.
Nothing is black and white.
Not ALL LPs are bad.
Yes there are many guilty of trying to suppress home growers and they should get plenty of shit but there are no absolutes.
Even light no longer is constant
Black and white are relative.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law. Love is the law , love under will.
93 93/93
Not at all, here's another tip in spotting a troll : after things calm down, they will return, and bump a whole bunch of threads with inflammatory remarks hoping to get more attention.
I'd say both of them probably know better. It's cute to watch em flirt though.
Hippy I highly recommend you check out some of Immanuel Kant's works on morals and ethics. You mean well but you tend to conflate issues and I think the suggested reading would help you improve your communication.
It's tough reading but it will change the way you think. I recommend to everyone here.
Nothing is black and white.
Not ALL LPs are bad.
Yes there are many guilty of trying to suppress home growers and they should get plenty of shit but there are no absolutes.
Even light no longer is constant
Black and white are relative.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law. Love is the law , love under will.
93 93/93
Ya I'll work on my morals and like the read it.
I suggest you go read the Exploits of Barnacle Bill and his Pecker. Nice n fuckin dirty. See what ya learn.
Listen pup when you get older like me, you don't need other's figuring it for ya. I know exactly what I like and don't like and exactly how to tell it. Even the lone Ranger is powerless other than his Garlic Breath.
Oh, you have a prescription with them and have sampled their products? I thought you refused to use LP's? I feel like theres some holes in your story, friend.
A birdie told me....a really sick one. No seriously it's true..they suck. I worked there for a summer when I was a boy.
Hippy is trying to constantly split the community. I'd say he's nothing but toxic.

Agent provocateur.

Wouldn't be a shock to find out he was a plant in order to bring dissension to the forum. Might explain some of his insanity.
Just making up bullshit stories again without being able to prove anything. Man, don't you get tired of looking like a fool?
Hippy is trying to constantly split the community. I'd say he's nothing but toxic.

Agent provocateur.

Wouldn't be a shock to find out he was a plant in order to bring dissension to the forum. Might explain some of his insanity.
Oh shit...BUSTED.....I'm Marc Emery's Stooge
Actually I don't exactly agree with his positions. It's not about what he says but how he says it.
I recommend it not to learn lessons per say but to read it in an exercise of critical thinking.

Ya I'll work on my morals and like the read it.
I suggest you go read the Exploits of Barnacle Bill and his Pecker. Nice n fuckin dirty. See what ya learn.
Listen pup when you get older like me, you don't need other's figuring it for ya. I know exactly what I like and don't like and exactly how to tell it. Even the lone Ranger is powerless other than his Garlic Breath.
Well it's become pretty obvious and rather boring here really.
We have two camps. LP supporters and LP non-supporters. IMO it's time to create or divide the Canadian section into those two groups.
The bickering and arguing is repetitive with those who do and those who won't. We rarely agree and it's pretty boring for both groups.
So would you like to see two sections. It's basically like we have two separate religions here and that really doesn't mix well.
We need a mmar supporters section and a LP supporter section. Or something to that nature that may be better than this mess.
LP buyers think they have the world by the let's indulge them in that in their own forum . Where they can schill away the hours. And they won't need to listen to folks like me bash their best LP dreams.
I'd like about you.
and those who dont give a shit
"pretty nice" how?

Have you checked out your avatar...?
Good quality, from what I've gotten. Price is reasonable as can be expected. Delivery is next day.

Not sure why some people bitch about the price so much, it's all a tax write off. And many lp's offer discounts for those truly in need.
Not sure why some people bitch about the price so much,
Uhmmm...because believe it or not, some of us patients are actually unable to work or are forced to work less and their meager pension or disability barely covers rent and hydro, much less over-inflated LP prices for medicine. A tax write-off might be great for someone making enough to use it, but that doesn't apply to a large percentage of members on this forum. Oh, and a few of us are still a little miffed at the lengths LP's went to try to prevent anyone else from growing a plant.
Price is reasonable as can be expected. Delivery is next day.
Buy from your local pot dealer - prices are cheaper as can be expected. Delivery is immediate. You can even see and smell BEFORE you buy.