Canadian mj resorts?


Well-Known Member
My dr finally agreed and sent me to a specialist that signed my papers and agreed to send me to an lp i just havent bought any yet.
Thankfully a few of my friends are dgs under the old system so they help me out.
Ive had lots of opportunity to earn a shady living and sometimes i regret not doing it but most of the time im glad i made the choices i did.

This website is full of people that think they can just grow 1000's of plants each harvest and make millions. I want to build a legit business and im the dreamer lol.


Well-Known Member
sorry torontoke....I wasn't trying to seem familiar with your personal story....
just more ,trying to side with you what ever your story happened to be...


Well-Known Member
Its ok
My story is like alot of them on here for sure.
I was a rec user for 15 years and when my body started to break down it became more of a necessity.i argued with my family dr for years but he wouldnt sign and i refused to pay a skype dr.
I hurt my back at work and then was in a head on collision a few months that my back is never going to be the same he finally agreed.
I dont mind sharin with the group lol


Well-Known Member
there definitely are some really good people on here...and some not so
most have some endearing qualities..others I take with a grain of salt....
though we generally know what side of the fence we all sit on..


Well-Known Member
I didnt have to update this thread at all and yet i thought i would because sometimes its nice to take a break from the lp and shitty government talk.
Theres a few people on this site that i do really hope to meet one day and a few i hope i never do.

You definitely have the right attitude towards this goal you want to achieve. Just think of where humans would be if we all listened to the naysayers over the course of history. Fingers crossed that one day your dream comes to fruition and we can all meet at this eventual place of business. I know I'd go. Dog friendly? lol Gotta have man's best friend during life's special moments outdoors.


Well-Known Member
You definitely have the right attitude towards this goal you want to achieve. Just think of where humans would be if we all listened to the naysayers over the course of history. Fingers crossed that one day your dream comes to fruition and we can all meet at this eventual place of business. I know I'd go. Dog friendly? lol Gotta have man's best friend during life's special moments outdoors.
Thanks again everyone for the encouragement....
Its funny u mentioned dogs my gf has already told me she plans to adopt many dogs and give older dogs a place to live out their last days aswell so definately dog friendly lol.

My fingers are crossed too midge. Lotto investor or finally getting my lawsuit settlement one way or the other it will happen


Well-Known Member
winning the lotto 649

well I wont be reading this to the wife,,,,she still busting out into tears every time she thinks about her dog .....


Well-Known Member
Ive watched many dogs get old and have a hard time. Breaks my heart that people get rid of family members when they need the help the most.
I know i seem like a mushy weirdo for wanting to help people and dogs but hey we are who we are.
I seriously cant think of a more rewarding way to live my life tho so im going to follow through and go for it


Well-Known Member
Ive watched many dogs get old and have a hard time. Breaks my heart that people get rid of family members when they need the help the most.
I know i seem like a mushy weirdo for wanting to help people and dogs but hey we are who we are.
I seriously cant think of a more rewarding way to live my life tho so im going to follow through and go for it
It is an excellent way to express ones self...I can't think of a more rewarding way to live ones life either....
I'm more of a cat


Well-Known Member
I have cats too
Im sure if people saw and or met me on the street they wouldnt picture me as the guy behind this idea believe me i dont look the part.
But personal perspectives change and so do hopes and goals. I always was an overachiever lets hope i can do it once again


Well-Known Member
I hear you on this topic..."overachiever" some its only possible to do so...with everything they do....
from the smallest detail to the largest piece of the puzzle...just take your time...and logic your way thru from start to finish....and you can not go wrong.
best of luck with this endeavor....and the best part is we are here to act as a sounding board, for any problems or situations that could arise


Well-Known Member
Believe me i am not afraid of the work or anything else.
I worked two fulltime jobs for three years to provide for my family and ive had every bad job there is in life. But somehow over time ive been able to persuade people that i may be brighter than they thought. I was working as often as i want and earning as much as i wanted before my back gave up.
I have many many ideas and projects on the go but this is the one i want to focus on.

Nothing fuels me like naysayers and negativity.
Ideas and inventions make the world go around and progress.


Well-Known Member
Speaking of animals...what's that place North of Barrie that takes all the wounded animals from the side of the road? That could be an intersting glad to hear you won't give should chat with leaf...I like the co-op idea...sort of a time share if you will...and you could have a greenhouse with veggies, and MJ and flowers, and don't forget about our legalization party...I say we shoot for summer 2016...