Canadian suffering from depression and anxiety needing to be legal


Active Member
I suffer from depression and anxiety both of which severely hinder my activity level. What has been working is small doses of good weed. I was wondering if these are reasons enough to issue a medical permit for marijuana in Canada. If anyone here from Canada could share their experiences it would help a lot. thanks and a prayer to all the medicinal users out there.


Well-Known Member
How To Apply - Applicants and Health Professionals

You are recommended to read the Quick Guide and Information for Patients documents first and then download the forms that are pertinent to the type of access that you are requesting.

You will need to fill out the appropriate applications for Authorization to Possess, Licences to Produce and for supply.

Information for Patients – Marihuana (Cannabis) .pdf

Applicant's Guide .pdf

Applications for Authorization
Complete Application .pdf

Form A

Application for Authorization to Possess Marihuana for Medical Purposes .pdf

Form B1

Medical Practitioner’s Form for Category 1 Applicants .pdf

Form B2

Medical Practitioner’s Form for Category 2 Applicants .pdf

Form C

Application for Licence to Produce Marihuana by Applicant .pdf

Form D

Application for Licence to Produce Marihuana by a Designated Person .pdf

Form E1

Application to Obtain Dried Marihuana .pdf

Form E2

Application to Obtain Marihuana Seeds .pdf

Form F

Consent of Property Owner .pdf

I know my way around the Canadian Med laws pretty well, so any questions, just ask! And if you're looking for a legal grower to designate, let me know.


Well-Known Member
Damn dude why do you need medical marijuana if you are in Canada? There are no criminal penalties for posession, and you will barely get a slap on the wrist if you are caught growing. It's so much cheaper in Canada as opposed to the USA (which is where I am from). And as far as I know, Canadians don't get drug-tested in the workplace as that violates the Canadian constitution. I've also heard that Canadian government pot is schwaggy and bad.

In the USA, employment drug-testing is the number one reason why people can't use medical marijuana. Even if you have medical pot at the state level, the federal laws still allow you to be fired for using medical marijuana based on a positive drug test.

Well good luck man. I will be praying to whatever diety exists for your medical pot. Oh and we pretty much use medical marijuana for the same purpose.