Cannabis Cookies


Active Member
trying to make some cannabis cookies tomorrow. not much, just enough for me probably. i have about 3.5 g to use so im looking for a simple recipe.

do i need to make cannabis butter before i bake?

detailed instructions would be great haha, im only used to making cannabis hot chocolate.



New Member
If it was me id use 100g of butter with the 3.5g

Get a pot fill with water untill it covers your buds just put it on a low setting and keep topping up with water when needed leave it for 3-4 hours but i prefair 2 leave it after the 4 hour mark u can really see the butter change colour and thats your cannabutter

then u need cheese cloth or womens tights might do i dunno never tryed and seperate your butter from all that gunk in a pint glass then freez and the shit is at the bottem and the good stuffs at the top ...pierce the butter when its froze right down to the bottem untill its reaches all that shit and releases it

buy some easy bake cookies in a packet and thats u