Cannabis Oil/THC oil as an alternative to smoking, any experiences?


Well-Known Member
Hey community,

I want to quit smoking once and for all because tobacco (which we use here in Germany, because weed is expensive) or smoke in general is not good for the lungs and I cannot tolerate it.

I came up with the idea of making cannabis oil and then dripping it on the tongue, so no edibles because I don't like sweet stuff.

What experience do you have in making oil? Which oil is best suited and can perhaps even achieve a symbiotic effect?

Should the components of the plant first be extracted with alcohol or should it be best to simply heat them up in oil in a pot? And the heating, you hear a lot about decarboxylation, which has to take place in the oven first, but is that really necessary? Just putting the cannabis in oil for 1 hour on low to medium heat would be enough?

I look forward to hearing about your specific experiences
Hey community,

I want to quit smoking once and for all because tobacco (which we use here in Germany, because weed is expensive) or smoke in general is not good for the lungs and I cannot tolerate it.

I came up with the idea of making cannabis oil and then dripping it on the tongue, so no edibles because I don't like sweet stuff.

What experience do you have in making oil? Which oil is best suited and can perhaps even achieve a symbiotic effect?

Should the components of the plant first be extracted with alcohol or should it be best to simply heat them up in oil in a pot? And the heating, you hear a lot about decarboxylation, which has to take place in the oven first, but is that really necessary? Just putting the cannabis in oil for 1 hour on low to medium heat would be enough?

I look forward to hearing about your specific experiences
I quit smoking, too, for the same reason. We use various oils for different things. To answer your question about decarb,YES. Decarb it.

There are two ways I decarb on the stove. They are the best and most consistent.
First, I use a pot with a lid. I put about 5 quarts of mineral oil in the put. WATER WON'T GET HOT ENOUGH. Heat the oil to 242F. Put the bud in a (pint) jar with a lid with a meat thermometer thru the lid. Put it in the hot oil for 40 minutes after the temp in the jar reaches 242F.
This is the setup I use except I use different thermometers.

When infuse oil, coconut or whatever, use Water in the pot. Heat the water to about 160-180F. To save a lot, I mean a lot, of time heat the jar with the bud and c-oil in the microwave, without the lid, for about a minute per cup. On my stove I use the smallest burner at the lowest flame to maintain the temperature for about two hours.

You can also do it in the oven, but most ovens don't hold the temperature very close. You can beat that by putting a couple of large cast iron skillets in to hold the heat. That's what I do.

If you want make RSO you can use the weed you just decarbed. There are several ways to make it. I like quick wash. You get just as much oil but none nasty, ugly tasting crap. I freeze the bud and alcolol overnight. Then, working fast, pour enough alcolol to cover the bud, RECAP the alcolol now to prevent condensation from getting in, cap the jar of bud and SWIRL it, don't shake it, for 10 to 30 seconds. I do 30. As quickly as you can strain the alcolol and put the bud back in the freezer for a second wash. Do it again and you have a very strong tincture.

Some people leave it this way and have Golgen Dragon. Some like to boil off all or most of the alcolol for RSO. I save my alcolol by distilling it. Amazon has everything you need. It costs a little to get started but saves a ton money.

If you have questions I'll try to help.
Hey community,

I want to quit smoking once and for all because tobacco (which we use here in Germany, because weed is expensive) or smoke in general is not good for the lungs and I cannot tolerate it.

I came up with the idea of making cannabis oil and then dripping it on the tongue, so no edibles because I don't like sweet stuff.

What experience do you have in making oil? Which oil is best suited and can perhaps even achieve a symbiotic effect?

Should the components of the plant first be extracted with alcohol or should it be best to simply heat them up in oil in a pot? And the heating, you hear a lot about decarboxylation, which has to take place in the oven first, but is that really necessary? Just putting the cannabis in oil for 1 hour on low to medium heat would be enough?

I look forward to hearing about your specific experiences

When I make concentrates like RSO I do the decarb as the last thing. Same when I make cannabis infused coconut oil and you can read about that in the link in my signature.

These days I make a concentrate then I can use that in anything like gummies, infused oils, topical ointments etc.

Oil tastes like crap so when using oil out of a syringe I get a thin layer of ice cream on a spoon, make a dent in the middle with a finger, squeeze out a dose into the dent then hold the spoon so the ice cream starts sliding off and fold it over to encapsulate the oil and let it slide down the back of my throat and swallow never tasting the oil.

Putting it in caps is best for long term daily use tho caps are expensive for most.

Hey community,

I want to quit smoking once and for all because tobacco (which we use here in Germany, because weed is expensive) or smoke in general is not good for the lungs and I cannot tolerate it.

I came up with the idea of making cannabis oil and then dripping it on the tongue, so no edibles because I don't like sweet stuff.

What experience do you have in making oil? Which oil is best suited and can perhaps even achieve a symbiotic effect?

Should the components of the plant first be extracted with alcohol or should it be best to simply heat them up in oil in a pot? And the heating, you hear a lot about decarboxylation, which has to take place in the oven first, but is that really necessary? Just putting the cannabis in oil for 1 hour on low to medium heat would be enough?

I look forward to hearing about your specific experiences
So you think 1, that this isn't already a more common way to use and 2, that using oil orally is not the same as an edible because it's not a sweet cookie or brownie?
Hey community,

I want to quit smoking once and for all because tobacco (which we use here in Germany, because weed is expensive) or smoke in general is not good for the lungs and I cannot tolerate it.

I came up with the idea of making cannabis oil and then dripping it on the tongue, so no edibles because I don't like sweet stuff.

What experience do you have in making oil? Which oil is best suited and can perhaps even achieve a symbiotic effect?

Should the components of the plant first be extracted with alcohol or should it be best to simply heat them up in oil in a pot? And the heating, you hear a lot about decarboxylation, which has to take place in the oven first, but is that really necessary? Just putting the cannabis in oil for 1 hour on low to medium heat would be enough?

I look forward to hearing about your specific experiences
First I thought you were talking about RSO or in the old days it was just hash oil. The nice thing about hash oil--made with grain alcohol or other solvent--is that it can be either smoked or taken orally. That might be something to consider because if you do choose to smoke it you're not smoking all the unnecessary green matter.

To infuse an oil or fat I usually just use butter. One to two ounces of pot per pound Of butter along with some water overnight in a slow cooker on low heat.

One problem with eating it is that you build A tolerance fast if you're a daily user. Also takes longer for the effects to hit and it's in your system longer so an evening buzz can carry over Into the next day.
First I thought you were talking about RSO or in the old days it was just hash oil. The nice thing about hash oil--made with grain alcohol or other solvent--is that it can be either smoked or taken orally. That might be something to consider because if you do choose to smoke it you're not smoking all the unnecessary green matter.

To infuse an oil or fat I usually just use butter. One to two ounces of pot per pound Of butter along with some water overnight in a slow cooker on low heat.

One problem with eating it is that you build A tolerance fast if you're a daily user. Also takes longer for the effects to hit and it's in your system longer so an evening buzz can carry over Into the next day.
Also, no need to decarb since You're cooking it anyway using this method.
I have a fairly simple tried and true method for an eigth. First Decarb I do 240 for 40 minutes that temp works for me lot's of varying opinions there. Then I combine it with a quarter cup of MCT oil in a small Mason jar. I shake it twice a day for at least 5 days. Then strain through a fine metal strainer squeezing it out but not too crazy. Done.
When I make concentrates like RSO I do the decarb as the last thing. Same when I make cannabis infused coconut oil and you can read about that in the link in my signature.

These days I make a concentrate then I can use that in anything like gummies, infused oils, topical ointments etc.

Oil tastes like crap so when using oil out of a syringe I get a thin layer of ice cream on a spoon, make a dent in the middle with a finger, squeeze out a dose into the dent then hold the spoon so the ice cream starts sliding off and fold it over to encapsulate the oil and let it slide down the back of my throat and swallow never tasting the oil.

Putting it in caps is best for long term daily use tho caps are expensive for most.

One thing that I've found for taste is do the quick wash and get all of the alcohol out and thin it down a little with MCT. If you want to use it for a tincture just add more MCT. For exturnal tincture I may just use alcohol.

I'm very fortunate my wife didn't know just how much you can spend if you get serious about a "home lab". My lab decarbing is done on a temperature controlled hotplate with a stirr bar. I add about 10% MCT to keep the oil liquid for the stirrer. It also makes it easier to handle.
One thing that I've found for taste is do the quick wash and get all of the alcohol out and thin it down a little with MCT. If you want to use it for a tincture just add more MCT. For exturnal tincture I may just use alcohol.

I'm very fortunate my wife didn't know just how much you can spend if you get serious about a "home lab". My lab decarbing is done on a temperature controlled hotplate with a stirr bar. I add about 10% MCT to keep the oil liquid for the stirrer. It also makes it easier to handle.

I have a stirrer but it's not a heated one. I use it when making colloidal silver but I'm good with decarbing the oil and stirring by hand one in a while. I also use 10% MCT to thin it a bit.


Hey community,

I want to quit smoking once and for all because tobacco (which we use here in Germany, because weed is expensive) or smoke in general is not good for the lungs and I cannot tolerate it.

I came up with the idea of making cannabis oil and then dripping it on the tongue, so no edibles because I don't like sweet stuff.

What experience do you have in making oil? Which oil is best suited and can perhaps even achieve a symbiotic effect?

Should the components of the plant first be extracted with alcohol or should it be best to simply heat them up in oil in a pot? And the heating, you hear a lot about decarboxylation, which has to take place in the oven first, but is that really necessary? Just putting the cannabis in oil for 1 hour on low to medium heat would be enough?

I look forward to hearing about your specific experiences

Letztes Jahr habe ich eine Olivenölextraktion durchgeführt ... als ich fertig war, habe ich es getestet und es dauerte etwa eine Stunde bis ich high wurde ... war sehr intensiv ... das High hielt sehr lange an, fast 6 Stunden. ...Sie müssen sich darüber im Klaren sein, dass die Einnahme von Cannabis etwas ganz anderes ist als das Rauchen. Es dauert länger, bis die Wirkung zu spüren ist, und die Wirkung kann lange anhalten!
If tabbaco is expensive oil ia not the best option for you you need a lot of weed for a small amount of product.and you build tolerance fast. Just buy a bong
And of course the high is 6h long you took probably 6 times more than you usually smoke
Seen a neighbour using a magic butter machine infuse 4 oz of good bud and 1 ltr 80% alcohol when done burn off the alcohol and presto works a treat -
Seen a neighbour using a magic butter machine infuse 4 oz of good bud and 1 ltr 80% alcohol when done burn off the alcohol and presto works a treat -
My brother-in-law has a Magic Butter machine and likes it a lot. I still do stovetop and oven for anything not done in the "lab".

I especially like to make oil from kief. I get about 8 grams of oil from 14 grams of kief. It's a lot easier than quick wash. There's no freezing involved. We got in a hurry and didn't get a batch all the way dry so while distilling the alcolol off when the head tempature starts to climb I know we are into the water. From there it goes to the hotplate. When the alcolol is almost gone I add the MCT and heat it past the water bubbles until the CO2 bubbles are gone.
Well thank you for all these detailed information, but as my English is not so perfect to understand all these technological details and as I am completely new to anything other than smoking and making edibles the easy way without decarbing, I hope someone could somehow summarize the most efficient but not complicated way to be get an oil.

The reason why I quit smoking is not the price of the tobacco but my lungs resist the smoke of tobacco and I feel weak afterwards.

I have tried to make edible cookies several times decarbing in the oven first and then frying on very low heat in butter. Honestly sometimes the effects were absolutely amazing and sometimes not visible at all so, what about just frying it in oil on low heat for a while, isn't that also a kind of decarbing? Without two pots but only one pot directly on the stove?

And would it be more potent to dap the oil sublingually into the mouth or should you drink the drops?
Why I prefer that to edibles is that I rarely crave sweet stuff and can't think of something efficient to put the butter in other than sweet food
Well thank you for all these detailed information, but as my English is not so perfect to understand all these technological details and as I am completely new to anything other than smoking and making edibles the easy way without decarbing, I hope someone could somehow summarize the most efficient but not complicated way to be get an oil.

The reason why I quit smoking is not the price of the tobacco but my lungs resist the smoke of tobacco and I feel weak afterwards.

I have tried to make edible cookies several times decarbing in the oven first and then frying on very low heat in butter. Honestly sometimes the effects were absolutely amazing and sometimes not visible at all so, what about just frying it in oil on low heat for a while, isn't that also a kind of decarbing? Without two pots but only one pot directly on the stove?

And would it be more potent to dap the oil sublingually into the mouth or should you drink the drops?
Why I prefer that to edibles is that I rarely crave sweet stuff and can't think of something efficient to put the butter in other than sweet food
To decarb all you do is get a plastic Turkey bag from the supermarket( the one you cook with) or use a cookie sheet and cover the top 2 times and cook in the oven for 30 minutes at 250f. Do NOT grind up the buds. Just break them up a bit. It's NOT hard at all.
To decarb all you do is get a plastic Turkey bag from the supermarket( the one you cook with) or use a cookie sheet and cover the top 2 times and cook in the oven for 30 minutes at 250f. Do NOT grind up the buds. Just break them up a bit. It's NOT hard at all.
Ok I have done that too, but am not sure if it's so much more effective than frying it in low heat in oil or butter.

What do you mean with cover the tops two times?

After decarb do you use the two pot version and the hours long infusion or just straight into the pot or pan on the stove?
When doing it in the oven the heat veries quite a bit. It will hold temp better if you put some othe things in to hold the heat. I use 2 large cast iron skillets, but even a couple of bricks or large rocks will help. Just pre-heat the oven and when you are sure the tempiture is not going to change that much put the weed in and start timing.

The times and temps are only averages that seem to work most of the time.

A lot of people use toster ovens to decarb but I wouldn't do that. The heat isn't consistant enough. The easy way is just to stick to the oven. I like to use quart jars to decarb in. I punch a hole in the lid for a meat thermomitor to watch the temp. It also saves more turps.

Of all the ways to decarb, the oven method sounds likeyour best option. Just make sure the oven is at the righ temp before you start.

If you want other methods just say so, but from here on they start getting a little more involved.

I have a vary good stovetop method if you are interested. It's just a little different. It's better for small batches, 1 oz or less.
Edibles don’t have to be sweet. I use infused butter or coconut oil to make grilled cheese, or even just buddered toast, buddered noodles, fried eggs, steamed vegetables
Fried eggs and steamed vegetables, can you get high off those? I once ate a meal with butter infused but didn't get anything out of the it rather with sweets
I am just confused somehow because of my experiences.

When I was in Brazil people just directly fried the weed in butter and made sweets out of it which made you quite high. But decarbing carefully and then the double pot method for 4 hours in these times of gas prices or electricity prices seems more complicated.

So if you all have tried both ways and at the end came to the conclusion that the decarb first and two pot method is better than the direct frying than of course I will stick to that.
I just remember in Brazil it was straight into the butter then they put a special condensed milk on top and cocoa powder and it was the simplest edible that made you quite high